Saturday, December 14, 2013

Times Flies When You're Having ... Fun?

First off,
I missed an entire week of blogging and for this I must apologize.

Second off,
Where in the world has this week gone?

Third off,
You know those inevitable moments in life, where everything seems to move in slow motion and you come to grips with the discoveries you made while everything was half speed? No? Well, these moments always seem to happen to me when I'm dwelling on why things aren't really working out in my life. (I have a point).

Relate-able Fact #1: I know what it feels like to sincerely try for a good relationship but having each one fail over and over. So, you start to wonder if you will ever find the right person for you. And in this wonderment you live vicariously through all of your friends' relationships because you are one of the only single ones.

Well do not despair! One of my realizations (I told you I had a point), is that timing means everything. It could be the right person, wrong time. Wrong person, right time. Wrong person, wrong time. What you need to be patient for is the right person, at the right time. For you to find a person you are ready to be with and who is ready to be with you.

Life Lesson #1: Patience is a virtue.

Quite recently (as in this past week), I had grown tired and weary of the 'dating game'. My patience was completely diminished as I had found out that a guy, that I had kinda had a thing with, had been playing me the whole time. He basically made me feel like I was his little play thing. We would always hang out and I had always made it evidently clear to him that I only wanted to hang out as friends and I that I didn't want any physical factors being introduced because I wanted him to be sure of what he wanted. Well, that slightly moronic and incredibly idiotic in the girl department boy, still forced himself on me and tried/ kissed me whenever he felt he just wanted to. Well, turns out, he was trying to date this other girl but every time things got a little rocky with her, he would come crawling back to me and would try to be all clingy on me.

How do I know this you may be asking yourself? Well, he told me. Last time that we hung out and he tried to kiss me, I shoved him off and straight asked him what was going on and told him that he needs to stop making me moves on me. When he told me about the other girl, I told him that what he was doing was wrong and that if he was really into this girl he needed to stop being all over me and get his act together. His only responses were, "But you're so tempting" and "Because you're so attractive".

Needless to say (but I'm saying it anyway), that after one guy ending it suddenly with literally no explanation as to why, one guy turning out to be a bit creepy and borderline stalker-ish, and then this guy happening all within the span of two months, I was a little fed up with the dating scene. My patience was drained and I had one of those despairingly awful moments of watching all of my friends' happy little relationships and wondering why nothing was working out for me. Well, that's about when the pause button was pushed on life for me and I came to accept the fact that nothing was working out because maybe it wasn't supposed to yet. (This revelation came to me this morning, call me 'Einstein'). That's when I realized how important it is to be patient and that there is a time and a place for everything.

Dating definitely isn't what it used to be. It is dang hard these days. There are so many mixed signals and over-thought signs and gestures. Dating is no longer just liking someone and seeking after them, or telling each other straight whether you like a person or not. It has been made into a game. And sometimes I really just don't feel like playing. But my advice to you ducklings, is to be patient. Things will work out. And if I can get through being cheated on and played, being left and leaving, stalkers or wrong moments, all of the crappy dates and good moments that never last as long as they should, the ones that are into you, but you not into them, and the ones you are into, but they not into you, then you can make it too. Things always work out when the time is right for them to.
Until next time. Keep your heads held high. Byee!!

Friday, December 6, 2013


Hello Everyone!
So recently I have been obsessed with a show called...
Psych! It isn't a new show, but it is new to me. It is the funniest show and has a ton of whitty one-liners. The main character, Shawn Spencer, is hyper-observant and passes it off as being psychic so that he can work for the Santa Barbra Police Department. Him and his best friend Burton Guster (who also, is more commonly known as Gus), start a private psychic detective agency together called 'Psych'. Hence the name of the show. The both of them then go through and solve cases together. It is a really simple plot, but a genius one! Both Shawn and Gus are very smart men, but in different ways and together they make the perfect team.
Personality wise, Shawn and Gus can actually be very different, making the banter between the two hysterical. Shawn takes everything with a grain of salt. He is a source of CONSTANT jokes and takes almost nothing seriously at all. He is very sarcastic and always has a come-back to any argument made. Where on Gus' hand, he is a very literal man and takes things very serious. Between the two conflicting personalities, the chemistry between the two best friends makes for phenomenal outcomes.
About the pineapple now... The pineapple is a running trend in the show. Pineapples are randomly spotted, eaten, drank and referenced throughout the series. They are commonly seen given as gifts, or as logos on different products. The writers do an excellent job of incorporating them into the episodes.

Overall this show is a must see! I highly wish that I would've started it a long time ago. And for all you Netflix owners out there, guess what! It can found on Netflix! Psych for hours with no commercials. You could say that I have a slight problem. But it's ok, I have come to grips with it.
Until next time. "Don't hit any humans!" - Shawn. Byee!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

December Favorites

Hello hello,
Now, if you are like me at all, and you hate the cold and don't really like snow until your skiing or boarding in it, then there doesn't seem to be much use of the month of December. But! There are always bright-sides to every story. Some of my favorite things about the month of December are:

Wearing sweaters! I love my sweaters and try to wear them as much as possible. December, along with the rest of the winter months, provides a perfectly socially acceptable time for me to do so. Because you can't really wear a sweater mid summer, especially if you live somewhere hot. I might be speaking from experience here.

Peppermint! I absolutely love all the peppermint somethings that come out around this time of year. Something about December being the Christmas month really brings that side out of people. I adore a good peppermint sent. Whether that smell be a candle, cookie, incense, or extract. Not to mention the peppermint flavors as well! All of the peppermint hot chocolates and cookies, candy canes and chocolates. I can't get enough! Until the month ends and the holiday is over. Then I'm sick of it until next year.

So, I am basically your typical five year-old, but I love the lights that start going up this month. Seeing all of the houses, trees and building decked out in the lights. I love all the colorful lights, of course they are nice too, but my favorites are just the classic, white Christmas lights. I love all of the white lights. Matter of fact, I used to have some that I would just hang in my room year-round. The reason I love the white over any of the other colors, is because the white just look so classy and they go on/with anything. You can decorate anything (that you'd normally cover in lights anyway), with the white lights and it will look nice. With the colored ones, you have to be a bit more picky as to where they go.

And of course, you can't forget Christmas! Christmas really is a great holiday. I love the feel, the spirit of the holiday. Getting together with your family and appreciating them and your friends. Nothing could be better. Not the gifts, I don't really care about those. I just like how loving and happy everyone gets around this time of year. It should be like that all year-round, but I do like how it's amplified at Christmas time.

Even though I hate being cold and there are a lot of things that I actually don't like about the month, a lot of my favorite things can be found in the month of December. Find the good in every situation.
Until next time. Byee!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sub Zero

It's frreeezzinnggg outside.
This morning it was a whopping -10 degrees! And later rose to a whole 7 degrees! I mean slow down weather.. We don't want to melt the ozone or anything. So basically everyone is Rexburg looks like a bunch of different colored, walking marshmallows.

Layers, layers, layers! And that's exactly what I am wearing today. I have on some classic black jeans with leggings on under that and brown, buckled knee-high boots. With a long-sleeve, blue and white button-up under my white and sea-foam ombre sweater on top. (Dang. Hyphens much?) Over that whole thing I have on some layered jackets. The one I put on first is my navy-blue (again with the hyphens), Hollister hoodie and then my white leather jacket over top of that.

But! No outfit would be complete without accessories right? Correct! So, to tie the outfit all together I am wearing my green-blue (I really like hyphens in this post), faced watched that matches my sweater, along with my Union Jack earrings, my 'B' initial necklace and a thin diamond studded bracelet. I have completed buttoned up my shirt, under the sweater, to the neck and put the chain of the necklace over that. That way it comes out from the collar. You could also wear it this way with the top button undone, if you prefer, though.

To tie in the whole look, I have opted to do my hair up in a high pony. And as always, I am not wearing any make-up.
So, I ask you.. When will this agony ever end!? I really hate the cold and Rexburg City definitely doesn't take care of the roads here. It's just driving around on a layer of ice all day. And it's way too cold to melt it too.

So begins the start of a long winter and fun time walking around as snowmen and women. On a bright side though, it gives me a socially acceptable chance to wear my sweaters and I do love my sweaters. So! For now I will say so long.
Until next time! Keep warm marshmallows. Byee!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Travel Problems

Guten Tag!
Do you ever get those days where you really just want to flee the country in which you leave and conveniently never return? I get those feelings. Quite often. Today was one of them and I wished instantly that I could flee to Europe. Anywhere in Europe. I just want to travel the world as a professional nomad.

A friend of mine, here in Rexy, works for an airline so he travels for free all of the time to TONS of different countries and places around the world. I envy him. Everyday I'm alive I wish I could travel as much as he does.

If I had to pick a permanent place of residence I would probably go somewhere in England, southern, close to London and be contented there. That way it would be a lot easier to travel too! There are so many things that I want to do, see and visit. I mean I am only twenty and I have been to about 26-27 states now and been out of the country once to Mexico (which, by the way, almost doesn't count as out of country when you grew up in Arizona and went to school in Tucson for a year). Listing it like that makes it sound like I've been too tons of places (which I guess I kind of have), but it feels like I really haven't scratched the surface at all. That's why moving to England to finish out my schooling would be such a cool experience. I would get to study more than just psychology, I would be immersed in several different types of culture there as well.

In my opinion culture is the main point of traveling anyway. Getting to know how another person lives, thinks and feels everyday. What's normal in their world and what goes on outside the little bubble of your everyday life.

See we, as human beings, are creatures of habit and go through everyday the same. Most, get up go to work/school, eat and go to bed. It confines each of us in this little personal bubble and sometime two bubbles will collide in the slightest of ways and it will alter their days for a second or two. These bubbles also limit our thoughts though. Our thoughts will only travel as far as our bubbles are wide and never even think about how someone on the other side of the world may play out their day every single morning they wake up. I like to step out of that little comfort zone we people create for ourselves, and experience the world from someone else point of view. To try things how they see it and introduce them to something new as well. Traveling is the only way of experiencing such a feat. These cultures won't come to you, you have to go to it! And reach out for the full effect.

I wish to be able to travel to as many places as I can fit into my budget and life before I go. To see the world through someone else's eyes for a day and to show them what it's like in my shoes.
(If only the world were made of money and I were rich).
Until next time fellow travel junkies. Byee!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

It's That Time Of Year

Hello Readers,
It's getting to be that time of year again everyone. And by that time of year I mean sweaters, large coats, warm drinks, snow and Christmas music. Yes, Christmas is coming up at the end of this month. And I love Christmas! But if you are anything like me you don't like Christmas unless it's at least like a week into December. I don't like it when people start playing it two months in advance. Hold up, wait until a good week in December has passed by then you can Let It Snow and go for Sleigh Rides all you want.

But! Since it's getting to be that time of year, I find that it's appropriate to start worrying about what you want to get for "that special someone". And I personally prefer buying the gifts instead of getting them, because I never know what I want anyway.

If it's early on in the relationship. Don't get too crazy fancy or expensive with your gifts. Guys, don't go getting her a diamond-studded, expensive something if you have been in a relationship for a week! She will still appreciate you if you get her something else. But you just got into the relationship. Don't move too fast with those types of gifts. Girls, same to you, don't go getting him hundreds of dollars worth of stuff if you just started dating. Even though you might think it at the time, not all relationships last forever. Something simple, classic and/or funny is always a safe bet for new couple.

Newly together or been together for years; handmade stuff is a pretty safe bet. Giving homemade gifts shows that you took time, effort, dedication and put thought into what you wanted to get for your significant other. If your significant other is any type of decent they will appreciate the gift you made for them with your own two hands. And if YOU are any type of decent, you will actually put the effort into the making of the gift. Just because it's handmade doesn't mean that you can just slap a couple rubbish things together, shove it at them and call it gift. Nope, you have to try to make it nice so that they can appreciate the work that went into it for them.

Running with homemade gifts, you don't have to build them a house. It can still be something simple and easy to do. Just as long as you are putting in the work it takes to make it nice.

If you are scared and don't know what they will like/ appreciate getting from you, take the time to get get know those things about that person. And if you get them something that has to do with their interests they will appreciate it because it shows that you were paying attention to what they like and the things that they are interested in. They will probably like it for that fact alone, on top of it being something that you know that they are like.

Get them something that you know they need! Everyone has needs, but most of the time the things that you need aren't the things that you really want to buy. They will be thankful to you doing this for them. This present may not seem fun, exciting or extravagant like you may want it to be but they will thank you for it. It saves them from having to get the item, and also if you don't know what they want you at least know something that they have needing to get but maybe couldn't for a while.

If you really come to a dead end (and this applies to both genders, don't fret little ducklings), get them a gift card to their favorite store or outlet. You may not know what they want to buy, but you should know where they like to buy from. (And if you don't, again CONVERSE. Conversation is a beautiful, two-sided gateway to information). And these types of gifts, i.e. gift cards, certificates, etc., can be bought for pretty much any store. Hunting, fishing, clothing, tech stores, anything! And if a shop doesn't have any cards in existence they are such things as a visa gift card. And you can use those at multiple places.

Out of the many materialistic, sentimental or whatever's in this world, there is something out there for everyone. It's just about getting to know that "special someone" in your life to know what they would really appreciate from you. Don't fret little ones. Christmas shouldn't be a stressful time. After gifts have been exchanged and all the hype is over you should really just appreciate being together with family and friends and enjoying the spirit of it.
Until next time. Happy shopping. Byee!!