Monday, March 3, 2014

YouTube Stuff

Updates and New Stuff!

You heard the word! That's the name of my new video that is up, so go and give it look at: <-------------LOOK;)
Also, while you are over there, like the video and subscribe to my channel for more!

I have been wanting to get one up for ages now and I finally have! I am getting back to it. I said just in one of my last posts that I would and I have kept to my word!

Making YouTube videos is just something that is really fun and enjoyable for me to do, so I hope that you all can enjoy them too.

That's all for now chick-peas.

Until next time. Byee!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


So recently I have been worrying a boat load about things that are out of my control. It keeps me up at night. (i.e. See my last post). So I have to decided to try a new method; it's called self-improvement. I have come to the conclusion to just worry about myself for now. I don't mean to be self-absorbed either, or to not give one flying fudge about anyone else. I just mean I am not going to stress about things are not effecting, or haven't effected me yet.


Seriously. I am just going to worry about the situations that I have a personal control over. For example:

I am going to the gym again. I used to go to the gym everyday, I was so fit and in-shape. Now, I am by NO means fat, but I am definitely not in shape anymore and I miss it. But I have recently been spending so much of my time fretting about things that I ought not to be worrying as much about. So, without giving any seconds thoughts about it, I had stopped going to the gym. My ultimate goal is to get back to the physical peak I was at when I used to workout everyday. Don't worry, I was never a gross body-builder status (no offense body builders, that body type just would not suit me), but I was super fit. So I'm dropping my worries and setting aside time to go to the gym everyday. Plus, going to the gym can actually make you happier! Did you know that fact children?

I am finally going to YouTube again! I have been wanting to get videos up and posted for so long, but yet again, my worries got in the way.. That is probably one of my biggest regrets so far. It was just so fun for me, but I spent my time concerning my thoughts with the trivial and it seriously took over my life. And sometimes I worry about stupid things so much that I lose all motivation to do anything at all. Don't let that happen to you. Stop worrying about the things that are out of your control and don't let them prevent you from doing something you enjoy.

I am giving twice the amount of focus to my schooling. I was giving my efforts to my schooling previously and getting the grades, but I could be trying a lot harder. I would hurry to get stuff done so that I could honestly sit around and wait. For what? Sometimes I didn't even know. Sometimes it was boys.. No lie.. When I should have taken more time on my assignments and not worried about if I was going to be free in case they called. Or in case of whatever was on my mind that day. (I know, really pathetic.. I understand it was).

I am finally finishing my study abroad application. I was so busy worrying out things that Could and Possibly interfere with it and kept putting it off because of all these 'what if's'. What it took me forever to realize is that all of those 'what if's' didn't really matter because they hadn't even happened yet and truth be told, might not ever happen! If something happens to interfere with my going then that is something that I can deal with as it comes. I shouldn't put off an amazing opportunity because of a 'what if'. That's crazy!

So, moral of the story is, worry about yourself. In the best way, build yourself up. Work on the bigger factors of your life and all of the little things will fall into place. Such as the sand, rocks and the jar. You work on putting the bigger stuff (the rocks) in first and then fill in the rest with the sand. If you put the little stuff in first, the rocks won't fit. So let the little things do as they should and fall into place.

Until next time! Byee!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Thought Overload

Do you every have those moments where your brain is so simply full that it feels like your thoughts will pour out your ears if you don't stopper them? Yup. That's me.

Most of these thoughts are purely trivial and can wait until tomorrow when sleep is what should be on my mind. But no, they creep in filling up all of the spaces in the corners of my mind and drive sleep out of the window and over the balcony. So, then I try to fill my mind with the meaningless and mind-numbing so that i can try to get my brain to let me drift off to sleep, yet when I get to that brink of slipping into the dream world my 'real' thoughts come tramping back in.

It's not just present worries either. It's things that have happened in the past, things I need to do currently and things that haven't even played role in my life yet and I don't know if they ever will. It brings me to write this post to you if you ever, like me, get stuck in a position where your life keeps up at night. For reasons valid or abnormal.

Tip #1: Meditate
You may think of this as a joke because you don't find meditation as a common occurrence in today's society. I am however Very Serious. If you focus your mind on relaxing the muscles of your body not only will your body relax but your mind will be focused on something other than your present worries. It will be good for your body and mind so that they can both settle down enough to let you sleep.

Tip #2: Keep A Journal
You may think to yourself, "But keeping a diary is for little pre-teen girls that want to doodle their crush's name on the cover". No. When I say journal I mean a book for writing of any kind that you can keep by your bedside. So, push that idea straight from your mind because simply writing a thought down can actually be very therapeutic. Keep a journal by your bed and when you feel bogged down with a thought, WRITE IT DOWN. It eases your mind knowing that it's been put somewhere it won't be forgotten. Most of the time these thoughts that keep us up are things we have to do, and writing them down ensures you won't forget. Even if it is just a worry or pressing thought, writing it down often has the effect of meaning that our brains don't HAVE to actively think about it anymore and then it allows us get to sleep faster.

Tip #3: Music
Music is actually good for getting your mind off of certain things. While some types open up your mind for more thought to come in, the right melody can relax both body and mind. Music has always had the uncanny ability to influence our emotions substantially, so putting on a softer, lighter melody can help to ease any worry that is keeping your mind active. I find that a classical or instrumental with a bit of a happy and/or romantic theme to it is actually the best. A lot of the times sadder music will invite more and unnecessary thoughts. But put on music that you can get lost in, focus on the melody of it and let your mind relax to it.

Tip #4: Read A Book
Again, not a joke. Sometimes all your brain needs is a distraction from your own life long enough to fall asleep. When you read, you become so mentally involved in the characters' lives that you simply can't thin about your own. As you are reading at night your body and mind will already be tired so while keeping your mind off of your own thoughts they can slip into sleep.

Tip #5: Watch A Movie/ TV Episode
For those non-readers out there, watching TV has the same exact effect as a book does on the mind. Pick something that you can easily get involved in but not something that you will be so emotionally invested in, that you feel you have to stay up to finish it. And then simply watch and let your body take care of the rest.

There are the main five tips that have (each one) helped me at some point be able to fall asleep when my brain feels like running a mile. It basically boils down to keeping your body relaxed and finding a release for your brain.
Until next time. Sweet sleeping! Byee!! Zzz

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I Can Relate

Wow! Look how much you guys have grown since I've seen you all last!

I know that it's been fifty years since my last post but I have been so busy that I have to just make time in my schedule to remember how to breathe.

There are a few sentences that everyone likes to hear; "I know what you mean", "I get it", "I understand", and "I can relate". Well not everyone means it when they say that they can relate to you. People mainly say these phrases to ease a persons' mind or just as a kind gesture. Well I am here to tell you that today is, that I CAN RELATE.

I get stress, I'm taking fifteen credits and work five days a week (weekends included). When I'm not doing homework, I'm in class. And when I'm doing neither I'm at work. And if you feel bad about your dating life, just come and have a sit with me because I have story after story from my dating experiences and they just keep rolling through too.

Now maybe I'm not on the same level as you, maybe your problems are worse. That's fine, at least you know of one person who is going through something similar. Maybe my problems are worse, well then freak. Rejoice! You can not feel so bad about your life now.

The point is, is that it's nice to have that person there to be able to say, "I know what you mean", "I get it", "I understand", and "I can relate" and actually KNOW what you mean, GET it, UNDERSTAND, or RELATE to you.

Relate-able Story #1:

So, there's this guy (of course, isn't that how every great story starts?), and at first impression he was alright, pretty cute but nothing extremely special. All this hype surrounding him just built him up on a tower so tall I wasn't overly impressed right off the bat. Then we got to talking more and more and his personality is perfect. Honestly just amazing. And suddenly his cuteness turned into "Dang boy! You have got it going on!" Well naturally it got to the frustrating point of me wanting him to ask me out. Call me crazy that I want an attractive boy with a rockin' personality to ask me out, right? Is that too much to ask. The universe thinks so, because come to find out, he might have a girlfriend!

Darn girlfriends, ruining everything.

Nothing is for 100% certain that, that information is true. But it is at about 85%, ish, right now and that is a lot of percents.

Well, me being the super creeper that I am, stalked him on every level of every social media portal out there. Guess what.. It gave nothing away!! So I really still just don't even know if he really has a girlfriend or not! And as you can imagine, this makes things worse. I would rather him have a girlfriend and me know about it, than him not and let the possibility of it eat away my brain, like a zombie thought that has come to take over. And of course in my own ideal world, he is single and will ask me out.

Now, I realize that this makes me sound obsessive. So I even have a background for that. Hold on to your hats and wigs! One of his friends/ acquaintances came over to me and asked me if he were to come ask for my number and ask me on a date if I would say yes. So my brain automatically thought that, that's what was going to happen.

So many confusions in my brain. I feel the little zombie chowing down as I speak.

See where I am coming from!? And why I want to know so bad!?

Well why don't you just ask him yourself? You may ask. Well, we are not on that level yet, know what I mean? I don't actually know him all too terribly well yet. So, we are not at a place where I can comfortably ask him these things.

Oh the woes of it all.

Relate-able Story #2:

Now don't think I can only relate to the bad. I have good things to relate on. So in continuation of my first story actually. The day that I started this post actually (I'm sorry, it's taken me a decade to complete), this guy asked me for my number! Rejoice for all that is good in the world!

So we having been talking for a few days now and things are going swimmingly (I hope). And we are supposed to actually hang out come this weekend.

But here is my number one worry: Out of all of the crappy relationships and douche guys I have been through, I am scared! I don't want to be hurt again, being hurt sucks. So, I am not overly anxious to let my hopes get too high.

There are a certain amount of risks that you have to take though, if you are going to get anywhere. And trust me it applies to more than just relationships.

Life Lesson #1: If you are going to be guarded, do not guard yourself so much that no amount of feelings ever shows, or gets through. That is not the way to build trust in any relationship, whether it be personal, work, family, etc. Guard yourself to a certain extent, but there is still portions of yourself that you will HAVE to put out there if you expect to be able to progress. Just take it in steps, even if those are baby steps. You don't have to start out leaping into it.

It is a hard lesson that I had to learn, and am still learning myself. No one likes to be hurt. But just know that even if you do get hurt, try again, and know that someone out there can truly relate to what you are going through. I have been through and seen a time or two. I know what a person can hurt, or rejoice in. If need a story or two, come to me. I've got plenty up my sleeve.

Until next time ducklings. Byee!!