Friday, September 16, 2016

The Living Room Hike, Salt Lake City, Utah

It's been a while but I am finally back again with another post. Just recently (as in two days ago) Kyle and I went hiking for a date and we went on one called the Living Room hike. We live in Utah and I was looking for some hikes around our area that would be fun to do and stumbled upon this gem.

Salt Lake City, Utah can be a popular travel spot with it's many attractions and sights. There are things for everyone to do, whether that be shopping, hiking, zoo's and aquariums, amusement parks, and the Salt Lake itself! So if you come to visit the Salt Lake area I suggest that you swing by the University of Utah campus and hike the Living Room Hike. It is a two mile, out and back hike. And as a bonus, it is dog friendly! So you can even bring your furry family members with you. Now because it resides on the top of the mountain overlooking campus, the whole way to it is uphill. And it gives you a pretty good workout too, but it isn't terribly difficult either.

We went toward the beginning of Autumn, which was one of the more perfect times to go. The weather is cooler but not cold. (Although, we did go on a day right after it rained and it was slightly windy so I got a bit chilly. On days like that a small jacket is suggested but not necessary). The leaves were just starting to change so everything was rich in color, but there was still plenty of green. And the rain made the smell intoxicating. We also went midweek, on a Wednesday, so there was hardly anyone on the trail at all.

One of the things that I liked most about this hike was that the views were great no matter where you were on the hike. Either you were facing the mountains and could look up and see the the multicolored landscape contrasted against the blue sky, or you were facing the valley and could look out over its vastness below. There was a little pull out about halfway up were you could stand, maybe take a break, and look out over the valley.

It took us about two hours or so to get to the top, including water breaks, taking photos and just enjoying the views along the way. So it didn't take a terribly long time to reach the top, plus I am out of shape. So, honestly you could really even cut that time in half if you're in a hurry. It does not take long at all and the views from the top are beyond worth the climb. And as a bonus, there is a load of 'furniture' up there for you to sit on as you absorb all of the sights.

Because of the time(s) that we went on this hike, there was no one at the top at all when we got up there. We had the whole place to ourselves, to relax, take pictures, explore, etc.

"Look around you, there's angels amongst us." Quote that someone wrote on the back of the 'couch' in the photo above.

Cluster of buildings directly below is the UVU campus.

The trip back down took very little time at all. We didn't stop at all and I think it took us only around half of an hour to make it back. Going down was the easiest bit because it was literally completely downhill.

It was a really fantastic hike that I think everyone should try if they are in the area. Even if just passing through, take some time to enjoy its views. It's a short hike and should not take too much out of your day to go enjoy.

Here are some more fun photos from the hike for you guys to scroll through and enjoy!:)

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Great Wall of China

Hello guys!
I am bringing it back with another China post. On our visit to China a must see was of course the Great Wall in Beijing. Now, one of the first things that you need to know about Beijing, China in January... It. Is. Cold! I mean very cold, it literally feels like it can chill your bones, but man o' man is it beautiful. My advice for anyone looking to go around this time of year, LAYER UP! You seriously cannot get enough layers. I was wearing a long-sleeve shirt, a jacket, a beanie, some gloves, and a heavy coat to top all that off and I still froze. Also, face masks are smart to wear for two reasons: first is that the pollution can get really awful, second, it warms your face. But put the cold aside and it really is a great time to go, because it wasn't really crowded and we had the liberty of stoping for as long as we want, in the areas we wanted to, to take pictures and just enjoy the general grandeur of it all. Worry free of holding people up for great picture spots.

On the way up to the Great Wall you take a train from the train station in Beijing and get to enjoy a scenic one hour ride up to it. Something else, the wait at the train station is also very very cold, so just prepare for that as well. Just because you are inside in the station, it is not heated. (Don't worry, the train ride keeps you very warm). Getting onto the train was an adventure in and of itself. When you buy tickets there are no assigned seats, so it becomes a complete free-for-all. It is sort of relatable to a first come, first serve basis, whoever gets the seat first, gets to sit there. So, if you want to sit with your whole group and/or get good seats, you have to run. Literally. I mean it, run. People will line up at the doors when it gets close to the boarding time, and when the guards give us the okay and open up the doors, people burst through like horses at a track straight out of the gate. And when in China do as the Chinese do, right? So we ran, and I actually highly recommend it because it was actually quite fun. People are laughing as they go sprinting off for the train and running helps also keep the cold at bay. So I say do it! It's all part of a good experience.

There are several different parts of this grand structure that you can visit but the one we stopped at was the Badaling part of the wall which also houses the highest point of the wall. With the wall itself standing at twenty-five feet high, the Badaling part of the rises 2,624 feet above the sea level. In contrast the lowest point, Laolongtou, stands right at sea level.

At the base of the wall there were bathrooms (blissfully heated bathrooms), food and little shops and convenience stores to go into and tool around in. As far as food goes, they of course have a lot of local selections to choose from, but if you aren't into that there are also a couple of places like Subway, etc. Ordering food there comes with a lot of pointing to pictures on the menu when you don't know the language.

It was a really cool experience that I will always be grateful that I got the opportunity to have. Even in the absolute freezing weather every part was worth it to me.

Link to my Great Wall YouTube video for anyone curious!:) --> 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Sunday Dinner | Springtime Fashion

Kyle and myself, one Sunday, went over to his family's house for dinner and I thought I would do a little showcase of what I wore and how I did my hair.

Seeing as it's coming up on Springtime I wanted to wear a lot of pinks, whites and softer, brighter colors that would give off that Springtime feel. Along with that something more floral and also more flowy. So the outfit I chose to wear had an awesome combo of everything I listed and I couldn't get enough of it. I feel like the studded flats I got a few years ago (sorry, but no, I sadly don't remember where from) really tied the whole outfit together perfectly. And the light-colored, floral jean makes for the perfect Springtime look. It looks as if you plucked some flowers from the garden and ironed them onto pants. Plus I really love this outfit with and without the pink jacket, but if it gets a little chilly just throw it on top for the finished look!
For my hair I threw it up into a perfectly calculated messy bun. That way it looks great and complete and if a few strands fall out, they won't even look out of place.

Old Navy- Shirt Jeans
Gift- Jacket
China Fake Market- Jimmy Choo Handbag/Backpack