Friday, March 18, 2016

Sunday Dinner | Springtime Fashion

Kyle and myself, one Sunday, went over to his family's house for dinner and I thought I would do a little showcase of what I wore and how I did my hair.

Seeing as it's coming up on Springtime I wanted to wear a lot of pinks, whites and softer, brighter colors that would give off that Springtime feel. Along with that something more floral and also more flowy. So the outfit I chose to wear had an awesome combo of everything I listed and I couldn't get enough of it. I feel like the studded flats I got a few years ago (sorry, but no, I sadly don't remember where from) really tied the whole outfit together perfectly. And the light-colored, floral jean makes for the perfect Springtime look. It looks as if you plucked some flowers from the garden and ironed them onto pants. Plus I really love this outfit with and without the pink jacket, but if it gets a little chilly just throw it on top for the finished look!
For my hair I threw it up into a perfectly calculated messy bun. That way it looks great and complete and if a few strands fall out, they won't even look out of place.

Old Navy- Shirt Jeans
Gift- Jacket
China Fake Market- Jimmy Choo Handbag/Backpack