Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Pop Of Color


Wedges - Forever 21
Roll Neck Shirt - Forever 21
Leather Disco Pant - Topshop
Lips - NYC City Proof #458

If you are anything like me, then you'll tend to wear a lot of blacks and whites and greys, etc. Lots of monochrome colors. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! But I find it fun to still wedge (Get it?! ;) I'm so punny...) some color into my outfits somehow and a lot of the time the easiest way to do that is with shoes! Shoes completely tie together an outfit for me. I. Love. Shoes. So that is where I tend to add in my color. Black and white go with anything, so a shoe of almost any color will suffice with an outfit like this. I chose to go with a nice blue heel this time around. (Heels are also a nice way to help dress up any outfit, for whatever occasion). Though next time I could just as easily go with a red tenni and dress this exact same outfit down a little.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome Back!


I haven't written in such an unspeakable amount of time it should be a sin.

They say that a lot can happen in a year, and thats true! For example; I now have two kids and am living in China.



But I really do have two dogs, a hedgehog and my mom and sister are living in China for at least a year.

However, a lot can happen in just the sort span of a week let alone a year. For a real example; I chopped all my hair off (I love, Love, LOVE it!). and my husband and I thought he was going to lose his job for a little bit there. It was terrifying to say the least, because I don't have a job yet and we are currently living off of his. Plus, it is really hard to get a job where we are at. (Living in Rexburg, ID still... yay...).
Did I mention I got married!?
He is the single best thing that has ever happened to me. He treats me like a princess. Speaking of princesses, quick story,

He proposed to me at Disneyland, by the castle, at night, around Christmas time! So it was all decked out in lights and absolutely gorgeous. It was extra cool because that is my favorite time of the year for the castle and it was also his first time to Disneyland. EVER.

My whole family and myself (of course!) are super into Disney. We mainly took that trip for him and actually ended up taking him to DisneyWorld as well like a week after that trip.

Well his name is Kyle, our last name Cochenour.

Here's a lesson on how to pronounce our last name: It's like saying you drink a Coke every hour. Coke~An~Hour. Cochenour. It's German.

We have been married for a little over six months now.

So that's all for now. Those are the main points of my life! My mom and sister recently in China, I got haircut and was married! A year is just far too long to be able to catch up on absolutely everything though. Until the next blog post!

Be nice to one another, stay positive, and be happy!