Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Be Who You Want & Make It Your Best Self

So, Kyle and I are going to be moving soon, down to Salt Lake City Utah and it got me thinking about what makes me happy. I want to do what makes me happy, so does everyone, I think. So why not do it?
At first we were going to be moving back down to Show Low Arizona. However, I got literally depressed and would even cry whenever it was brought up. Then one of Kyle's Aunt's gave us some words to live by. "If you're going to move somewhere, go somewhere that will make you happy." Because even though Show Low would have been a stepping-stone move for us, I wouldn't have been happy there and I definitely wouldn't want unforeseen forces to happen and keep us there. Mesa was a stepping-stone for his Aunt and she has been there for twelve years and hates it! So, we took her words to heart and have now decided on Utah for the time being where we will BOTH be happy.
I think that they also could be applied to other aspects. Make whatever you decide to do with your life, something that you are going to be happy doing. I have always been one of those people who've said things like, "Do what makes you happy even if it pays a little less, rather then what makes you miserable but will pay you more." Money is important, that's undeniable, but life is too short to spend it in misery.
I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I want to do, or knowing but not really going out and trying to get it done. So now is the time I'm going to that! Like I said, life is just too short. I have tried in the past and given up so easily at the first signs of defeat. Take it from me. Don't give up. It may not be easy, but so worth it in the end.
Another important thing to note about this is to not let other people get you down and tell you that you can't do something. If you want to dance, but it doesn't come naturally to you, that doesn't mean that you can't do it! Take classes, work hard and dance! Don't let anyone tell you not to, that you can't, that you're good enough, or that you'll never be good enough. It's up to you to decide what you want and then act upon it.
What you love to do may not come easy at first and may be a lot of work. But Stick With It! Don't give up, ever. Don't give in to the pressures of quitting. Because when you reach that final goal, and are doing what makes you happy, you'll never truly work a day in your life. It will just be enjoyable.
Just do what makes you happy and make sure that it's going to make you into a better version of you!


  1. I never get on google+, and just decided to jump on and see what's going on. I saw your post, and am really happy for you guys! (And a little jealous!) I'm so glad to see that I was able to say something that made a difference for you, and helped you to decide what was the best thing for you two. I truly hope you both find happiness in this new adventure!

    1. This is Aunt Philene by the way... I can't figure out how this works, and how to get my profile to show..

    2. Hahaha We took it pretty seriously:)
