Monday, February 15, 2016

Pamper Evening Needs

So things lately have been a little on the stressful side and when that happens it's really beneficial to treat yourself and have some relaxation time for yourself. It's okay to pamper yourself every once in a while and I daresay it's even a good thing to do. I put together a little pamper evening for myself and thought that I would let all of you in on the process!

First off, I love baths. Taking baths and all the things that go with it; soaking in the hot water, bath salts and bath bombs, bubble bars and body conditioners, and just all around relaxing. So the very first thing that I started my evening out with was running a hot bath.

While the water was running I took one of Lush's little bubble wands and ran that under the running water for some wonderfully, intoxicating sent and some fun foamy water. I had a couple of candles lit and placed them around the tub which helped to add an even further relaxing effect. Also, I made sure the bathroom had some nice low-lighting going to help set a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Next, I took a bath bomb from my tiny selection of bath bombs and placed that in the tub to fizzle away. (The bath bomb that I used I made myself. If you are curious to know how, I made a video about it and you can watch that here! ---> ).

While the bath bomb was dissolving and doing it's thing, I put on a face mask. I like doing face masks because my skin always feels great and refreshed afterward, and that's what this evening is all about. Refreshing yourself and relaxing. I only own one face mask however, and it's by Sei Bella, which is a brand by the company Melaleuca. So I took that, rubbed it around and slathered that onto my face to sit while I soak in my bath.

After I applied my face mask, my bath was ready and waiting for me to plunge right in. And all there was left to do with the bath was to just sit and soak up all the beneficial things and aromas in and around the water.

After a good long stay in the tub (or however long you please), you get out to take the face mask off of your face. I normally just stay in until the water starts to grow cold. But once you are out and have dried yourself off as you like, take a nice, clean washcloth to dampen so you can wipe the mask off. Run it under some pleasantly warm water and gently scrub it off until none of it remains.

The after bath is another great part of the evening of relaxation, where you get to cozy up and hunker down for the night. I do a number of things after I get out of a hot bath depending on what I am in the mood for that evening. One thing that always must be done though is popping yourself into some comfortable clothing. I went for some nice pajama pants, a cozy, warm sweater and some fuzzy slippers. That way whatever it is that I choose to do next I'm doing it comfortably. And plus, I feel that it's a lot easier to stay calm and relaxed when you wear something that you can continue to relax in and be comfortable in.

After that has been accomplished comes the part where it depends on my mood. Some nights I like to make myself a nice, warm cup of tea and cuddle up in a soft blanket. Maybe even curl up with a good book. Sometimes it's nice to pick out a movie and zone out on that until you go to bed. Or even just to watch some YouTube for a bit. Really any of these or any combination of them are things that I love doing on a pamper evening to have some down time. What I did this pamper session however, was curl up with my hubby and our dogs, watch some shows and YouTube and then went to crash in bed.

I was not paid by any of the brands mentioned to promote their products. I just really like and enjoy them and they are products that I use.

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