Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Short Hair, Don't Care!

Lipstick - Rimmel Kate Moss #11
Nail Color - Sei Bella "Ravishing Coral"
Watch - Walmart
T-shirt - H&M

Just recently I got a very short asymmetrical haircut. 

I have so, so much hair, and thick hair at that, it is truly unreal. Now, because of all of that hair on top of my head it takes me forever to curl it, straighten it, or style it in any way other than 'up'. And that is what I began to do every day. I was starting to get to the point where I was only wearing my hair up in buns, ponytails, or braids. I was tiring of that trend so I decided to go for a hair cut. I don't regret my decision at all and love my short hair too!

Though many think that now that my hair is so short that I can't do anything with it now. Wrong! I can do just as much with my short hair as I could have done with my long hair. Only now, the styles I do are a bit different is all. I can texturize it with gel or spike it up, leave it flat, straighten it or curl it and much more.

Here i have decided to go for a twisty braid that leads down into a regular braid in my bang/fringe section, with the rest of my hair straightened. It was simple and took me nearly no time at all. And it still looks nice!

I honestly think that it is a good day look as well as a nice date night hairdo. And this also works on long hair as well as short hair! 

There are still fun and easy styles that you can do with really short hair. So have fun with it and test some different things out, see what looks good with your cut. Or try this style I've just shown you on for size!

Be proud of you and confident in what you decide to do!

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