Thursday, December 5, 2013

December Favorites

Hello hello,
Now, if you are like me at all, and you hate the cold and don't really like snow until your skiing or boarding in it, then there doesn't seem to be much use of the month of December. But! There are always bright-sides to every story. Some of my favorite things about the month of December are:

Wearing sweaters! I love my sweaters and try to wear them as much as possible. December, along with the rest of the winter months, provides a perfectly socially acceptable time for me to do so. Because you can't really wear a sweater mid summer, especially if you live somewhere hot. I might be speaking from experience here.

Peppermint! I absolutely love all the peppermint somethings that come out around this time of year. Something about December being the Christmas month really brings that side out of people. I adore a good peppermint sent. Whether that smell be a candle, cookie, incense, or extract. Not to mention the peppermint flavors as well! All of the peppermint hot chocolates and cookies, candy canes and chocolates. I can't get enough! Until the month ends and the holiday is over. Then I'm sick of it until next year.

So, I am basically your typical five year-old, but I love the lights that start going up this month. Seeing all of the houses, trees and building decked out in the lights. I love all the colorful lights, of course they are nice too, but my favorites are just the classic, white Christmas lights. I love all of the white lights. Matter of fact, I used to have some that I would just hang in my room year-round. The reason I love the white over any of the other colors, is because the white just look so classy and they go on/with anything. You can decorate anything (that you'd normally cover in lights anyway), with the white lights and it will look nice. With the colored ones, you have to be a bit more picky as to where they go.

And of course, you can't forget Christmas! Christmas really is a great holiday. I love the feel, the spirit of the holiday. Getting together with your family and appreciating them and your friends. Nothing could be better. Not the gifts, I don't really care about those. I just like how loving and happy everyone gets around this time of year. It should be like that all year-round, but I do like how it's amplified at Christmas time.

Even though I hate being cold and there are a lot of things that I actually don't like about the month, a lot of my favorite things can be found in the month of December. Find the good in every situation.
Until next time. Byee!!

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