Monday, December 2, 2013

It's That Time Of Year

Hello Readers,
It's getting to be that time of year again everyone. And by that time of year I mean sweaters, large coats, warm drinks, snow and Christmas music. Yes, Christmas is coming up at the end of this month. And I love Christmas! But if you are anything like me you don't like Christmas unless it's at least like a week into December. I don't like it when people start playing it two months in advance. Hold up, wait until a good week in December has passed by then you can Let It Snow and go for Sleigh Rides all you want.

But! Since it's getting to be that time of year, I find that it's appropriate to start worrying about what you want to get for "that special someone". And I personally prefer buying the gifts instead of getting them, because I never know what I want anyway.

If it's early on in the relationship. Don't get too crazy fancy or expensive with your gifts. Guys, don't go getting her a diamond-studded, expensive something if you have been in a relationship for a week! She will still appreciate you if you get her something else. But you just got into the relationship. Don't move too fast with those types of gifts. Girls, same to you, don't go getting him hundreds of dollars worth of stuff if you just started dating. Even though you might think it at the time, not all relationships last forever. Something simple, classic and/or funny is always a safe bet for new couple.

Newly together or been together for years; handmade stuff is a pretty safe bet. Giving homemade gifts shows that you took time, effort, dedication and put thought into what you wanted to get for your significant other. If your significant other is any type of decent they will appreciate the gift you made for them with your own two hands. And if YOU are any type of decent, you will actually put the effort into the making of the gift. Just because it's handmade doesn't mean that you can just slap a couple rubbish things together, shove it at them and call it gift. Nope, you have to try to make it nice so that they can appreciate the work that went into it for them.

Running with homemade gifts, you don't have to build them a house. It can still be something simple and easy to do. Just as long as you are putting in the work it takes to make it nice.

If you are scared and don't know what they will like/ appreciate getting from you, take the time to get get know those things about that person. And if you get them something that has to do with their interests they will appreciate it because it shows that you were paying attention to what they like and the things that they are interested in. They will probably like it for that fact alone, on top of it being something that you know that they are like.

Get them something that you know they need! Everyone has needs, but most of the time the things that you need aren't the things that you really want to buy. They will be thankful to you doing this for them. This present may not seem fun, exciting or extravagant like you may want it to be but they will thank you for it. It saves them from having to get the item, and also if you don't know what they want you at least know something that they have needing to get but maybe couldn't for a while.

If you really come to a dead end (and this applies to both genders, don't fret little ducklings), get them a gift card to their favorite store or outlet. You may not know what they want to buy, but you should know where they like to buy from. (And if you don't, again CONVERSE. Conversation is a beautiful, two-sided gateway to information). And these types of gifts, i.e. gift cards, certificates, etc., can be bought for pretty much any store. Hunting, fishing, clothing, tech stores, anything! And if a shop doesn't have any cards in existence they are such things as a visa gift card. And you can use those at multiple places.

Out of the many materialistic, sentimental or whatever's in this world, there is something out there for everyone. It's just about getting to know that "special someone" in your life to know what they would really appreciate from you. Don't fret little ones. Christmas shouldn't be a stressful time. After gifts have been exchanged and all the hype is over you should really just appreciate being together with family and friends and enjoying the spirit of it.
Until next time. Happy shopping. Byee!!

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