Saturday, December 14, 2013

Times Flies When You're Having ... Fun?

First off,
I missed an entire week of blogging and for this I must apologize.

Second off,
Where in the world has this week gone?

Third off,
You know those inevitable moments in life, where everything seems to move in slow motion and you come to grips with the discoveries you made while everything was half speed? No? Well, these moments always seem to happen to me when I'm dwelling on why things aren't really working out in my life. (I have a point).

Relate-able Fact #1: I know what it feels like to sincerely try for a good relationship but having each one fail over and over. So, you start to wonder if you will ever find the right person for you. And in this wonderment you live vicariously through all of your friends' relationships because you are one of the only single ones.

Well do not despair! One of my realizations (I told you I had a point), is that timing means everything. It could be the right person, wrong time. Wrong person, right time. Wrong person, wrong time. What you need to be patient for is the right person, at the right time. For you to find a person you are ready to be with and who is ready to be with you.

Life Lesson #1: Patience is a virtue.

Quite recently (as in this past week), I had grown tired and weary of the 'dating game'. My patience was completely diminished as I had found out that a guy, that I had kinda had a thing with, had been playing me the whole time. He basically made me feel like I was his little play thing. We would always hang out and I had always made it evidently clear to him that I only wanted to hang out as friends and I that I didn't want any physical factors being introduced because I wanted him to be sure of what he wanted. Well, that slightly moronic and incredibly idiotic in the girl department boy, still forced himself on me and tried/ kissed me whenever he felt he just wanted to. Well, turns out, he was trying to date this other girl but every time things got a little rocky with her, he would come crawling back to me and would try to be all clingy on me.

How do I know this you may be asking yourself? Well, he told me. Last time that we hung out and he tried to kiss me, I shoved him off and straight asked him what was going on and told him that he needs to stop making me moves on me. When he told me about the other girl, I told him that what he was doing was wrong and that if he was really into this girl he needed to stop being all over me and get his act together. His only responses were, "But you're so tempting" and "Because you're so attractive".

Needless to say (but I'm saying it anyway), that after one guy ending it suddenly with literally no explanation as to why, one guy turning out to be a bit creepy and borderline stalker-ish, and then this guy happening all within the span of two months, I was a little fed up with the dating scene. My patience was drained and I had one of those despairingly awful moments of watching all of my friends' happy little relationships and wondering why nothing was working out for me. Well, that's about when the pause button was pushed on life for me and I came to accept the fact that nothing was working out because maybe it wasn't supposed to yet. (This revelation came to me this morning, call me 'Einstein'). That's when I realized how important it is to be patient and that there is a time and a place for everything.

Dating definitely isn't what it used to be. It is dang hard these days. There are so many mixed signals and over-thought signs and gestures. Dating is no longer just liking someone and seeking after them, or telling each other straight whether you like a person or not. It has been made into a game. And sometimes I really just don't feel like playing. But my advice to you ducklings, is to be patient. Things will work out. And if I can get through being cheated on and played, being left and leaving, stalkers or wrong moments, all of the crappy dates and good moments that never last as long as they should, the ones that are into you, but you not into them, and the ones you are into, but they not into you, then you can make it too. Things always work out when the time is right for them to.
Until next time. Keep your heads held high. Byee!!

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