Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Travel Problems

Guten Tag!
Do you ever get those days where you really just want to flee the country in which you leave and conveniently never return? I get those feelings. Quite often. Today was one of them and I wished instantly that I could flee to Europe. Anywhere in Europe. I just want to travel the world as a professional nomad.

A friend of mine, here in Rexy, works for an airline so he travels for free all of the time to TONS of different countries and places around the world. I envy him. Everyday I'm alive I wish I could travel as much as he does.

If I had to pick a permanent place of residence I would probably go somewhere in England, southern, close to London and be contented there. That way it would be a lot easier to travel too! There are so many things that I want to do, see and visit. I mean I am only twenty and I have been to about 26-27 states now and been out of the country once to Mexico (which, by the way, almost doesn't count as out of country when you grew up in Arizona and went to school in Tucson for a year). Listing it like that makes it sound like I've been too tons of places (which I guess I kind of have), but it feels like I really haven't scratched the surface at all. That's why moving to England to finish out my schooling would be such a cool experience. I would get to study more than just psychology, I would be immersed in several different types of culture there as well.

In my opinion culture is the main point of traveling anyway. Getting to know how another person lives, thinks and feels everyday. What's normal in their world and what goes on outside the little bubble of your everyday life.

See we, as human beings, are creatures of habit and go through everyday the same. Most, get up go to work/school, eat and go to bed. It confines each of us in this little personal bubble and sometime two bubbles will collide in the slightest of ways and it will alter their days for a second or two. These bubbles also limit our thoughts though. Our thoughts will only travel as far as our bubbles are wide and never even think about how someone on the other side of the world may play out their day every single morning they wake up. I like to step out of that little comfort zone we people create for ourselves, and experience the world from someone else point of view. To try things how they see it and introduce them to something new as well. Traveling is the only way of experiencing such a feat. These cultures won't come to you, you have to go to it! And reach out for the full effect.

I wish to be able to travel to as many places as I can fit into my budget and life before I go. To see the world through someone else's eyes for a day and to show them what it's like in my shoes.
(If only the world were made of money and I were rich).
Until next time fellow travel junkies. Byee!!

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