Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sub Zero

It's frreeezzinnggg outside.
This morning it was a whopping -10 degrees! And later rose to a whole 7 degrees! I mean slow down weather.. We don't want to melt the ozone or anything. So basically everyone is Rexburg looks like a bunch of different colored, walking marshmallows.

Layers, layers, layers! And that's exactly what I am wearing today. I have on some classic black jeans with leggings on under that and brown, buckled knee-high boots. With a long-sleeve, blue and white button-up under my white and sea-foam ombre sweater on top. (Dang. Hyphens much?) Over that whole thing I have on some layered jackets. The one I put on first is my navy-blue (again with the hyphens), Hollister hoodie and then my white leather jacket over top of that.

But! No outfit would be complete without accessories right? Correct! So, to tie the outfit all together I am wearing my green-blue (I really like hyphens in this post), faced watched that matches my sweater, along with my Union Jack earrings, my 'B' initial necklace and a thin diamond studded bracelet. I have completed buttoned up my shirt, under the sweater, to the neck and put the chain of the necklace over that. That way it comes out from the collar. You could also wear it this way with the top button undone, if you prefer, though.

To tie in the whole look, I have opted to do my hair up in a high pony. And as always, I am not wearing any make-up.
So, I ask you.. When will this agony ever end!? I really hate the cold and Rexburg City definitely doesn't take care of the roads here. It's just driving around on a layer of ice all day. And it's way too cold to melt it too.

So begins the start of a long winter and fun time walking around as snowmen and women. On a bright side though, it gives me a socially acceptable chance to wear my sweaters and I do love my sweaters. So! For now I will say so long.
Until next time! Keep warm marshmallows. Byee!!

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