Friday, December 6, 2013


Hello Everyone!
So recently I have been obsessed with a show called...
Psych! It isn't a new show, but it is new to me. It is the funniest show and has a ton of whitty one-liners. The main character, Shawn Spencer, is hyper-observant and passes it off as being psychic so that he can work for the Santa Barbra Police Department. Him and his best friend Burton Guster (who also, is more commonly known as Gus), start a private psychic detective agency together called 'Psych'. Hence the name of the show. The both of them then go through and solve cases together. It is a really simple plot, but a genius one! Both Shawn and Gus are very smart men, but in different ways and together they make the perfect team.
Personality wise, Shawn and Gus can actually be very different, making the banter between the two hysterical. Shawn takes everything with a grain of salt. He is a source of CONSTANT jokes and takes almost nothing seriously at all. He is very sarcastic and always has a come-back to any argument made. Where on Gus' hand, he is a very literal man and takes things very serious. Between the two conflicting personalities, the chemistry between the two best friends makes for phenomenal outcomes.
About the pineapple now... The pineapple is a running trend in the show. Pineapples are randomly spotted, eaten, drank and referenced throughout the series. They are commonly seen given as gifts, or as logos on different products. The writers do an excellent job of incorporating them into the episodes.

Overall this show is a must see! I highly wish that I would've started it a long time ago. And for all you Netflix owners out there, guess what! It can found on Netflix! Psych for hours with no commercials. You could say that I have a slight problem. But it's ok, I have come to grips with it.
Until next time. "Don't hit any humans!" - Shawn. Byee!!

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