Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving With The Reids

This is the story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down...
Or it could quite possibly be the story of what happened in Utah over Thanksgiving. Anyway..
Hello Everyone!

As most might know I went to Utah with a friend over Thanksgiving because all of my plans fell through and I had nowhere to go. Well, my friend and his family were nice enough to take me in and I was down there Thursday all of Friday and left on Saturday morning to get back to work. It's such a bummer! (It's funny how we humans complain we need a job and when we get one we never want to work. If only we could still get paid without going into the actual job itself). But work is money and money means I continuing living.

So I wake up Thursday morning feeling nothing like P-Diddy, and gather all my stuff together for the four hour trek from Rexburg, ID to Salt Lake, UT. When we got there we went straight to his family's house and it was with his dad's side of the family. I met his mom, dad, sister, cousin's etc. There were so many people! It was a bigger family gathering than what I was previously used to. And all of them matched my friend's personality. Loud, funny and always cracking jokes. It wasn't uncomfortable for me at all though. It was good to see such a big family that was so close. We ate dinner when we got there and then left that house to go watch the movie Frozen. A really cute, funny film but I probably wouldn't take a small child to see it honestly. When the movie was over we went back to the his parent's condo (where I stayed for my visit there) and got into the hot tub. Then ate a miniature second dinner! PS. I thought his mom's turkey tasted so much better than the one I ate at actual dinner. Not that it was bad, just wasn't my favorite. I shared the second bedroom with his sister and we shared the king bed in there. She's a good person to share a room with, so I didn't mind at all. I was honestly pretty at ease with everything, and I felt like they were probably nicer to me than I deserved.

Black Friday day we just slept in, had a nice meal and went out to Park City for some shopping at the outlet mall there. It was a good time and they didn't overkill the shopping time which was way nice. We only spent maybe a little over an hour shopping before we left Park City. Now, I honestly love going shopping (being broke sure puts a damper on that though) but too much time in a mall could kill a person. And has, I'm sure. After Park City we drove on down to Salt Lake and went to an NBA game. My first ever! It was pretty cool, I enjoyed it. It was against the Jazz and Suns. Now I tried my best to go for the Jazz seeing I was in the midst of blood-thirty Utah fans, but I just couldn't help the swelling pride every time Phoenix scored.

I'm from Arizona ya'll. (I never say 'ya'll' and now despise myself for it). I was programmed to be happy for the Suns.

The Suns who won! I wouldn't have cared so much if the Jazz had actually won, but still I get that sense of self-pride because they didn't. After the game we did a short burst of shopping at City Creek mall and then toured the lights on the temple grounds. They were so pretty I'm sure if one more second was spent there I would've dropped dead. And then made our way back to then condo and went to bed. This morning I got up, said my good-byes and thanked everyone and made the drive home again. All by myself this time.

Overall, it was a good fun, experience and I am honestly grateful for them taking me in.
Until next time. I hope your holiday experiences have been good so far. Byee!!

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