Monday, November 18, 2013

Lovey-Dovey Advice

Hello Peaches,
Some serious talk for you today about the world of relationships. I wanted to touch on the movement of relationships today, because there are boundaries between how fast and slow you move in a relationship. Whether you are just getting into one or have been in one for a while, all people are different and the last thing a person wants to feel is pressured. When someone is in a pressured situation it can make them uncomfortable, uneasy or the general feeling of anxiety crops up and that's how small problems get wedged into the relationship. A lot of the time the problems build up and the wedge gets bigger and bigger. Take the time to get to know your significant other, because what might not seem fast to you, may feel like lightening speed to them. And that principle applies to girls too. Girls, guys can feel the pressure of moving too fast in a relationship too, not just you. Making your significant other jump into something they aren't ready for will drive them farther from you if anything. It all comes back to communication with each other and clarifying what steps you are ready to take and ones you can't quite handle yet. That goes for people who are just dating and looking to get into a relationship or those who are already a couple and are just progressing.

Just like moving too fast, moving too slow can also be dangerous. If you are both ready to take the next step, don't spend all your time just sitting around at the bottom, climb up to the next level! Relationships are meant to be progressive and if you both aren't moving forward together it can fizzle out, fast. You are supposed to grow together as a couple and that's what makes a relationship strong. Think of it as a tree, if the trunk was split into two parts and one side was growing faster than the other, the slower side would fall away. But if they grow together at the same speed, the two halves would merge and hold each other up. If your significant other is going way too slow (which happens), talk it out. You don't want to be going on dates with that person for months and have nothing result from it. Not only does it hurt feelings, but it wastes both  persons' times. If you are the one that is moving too slow, don't be afraid to pick up the pace a little and take a risk. You still don't have to do anything that you aren't comfortable with or ready for, but it keeps the relationship progressing. And if it's with someone that you really like, then you are going to want to progress with them so you don't lose them. I speak from personal experience: I went on dates with a guy for about two and half months once, and after that amount of time I was ready to be considered his girlfriend, but he insisted on not being ready for a relationship. So, I gave him a little more time, but in the end I left him because he couldn't give me what I was ready for; even though that little step didn't do much other than just give us a title. And I really liked him too, but I moved on.

The main point is to just know the balance of your relationship and be open and honest with your significant other. Progress and grow together. Relationships are a lot of work sometimes, but it doesn't have to be entirely difficult. People go through rough patches and rough times, that's normal because we are all human and not everyday can be perfect, but if you communicate and move at a speed that is comfortable to both of you, you can get through any day. The good and the bad. So, happy dating! And..
Until next time. Byee!!

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