Saturday, November 16, 2013

November Favorites

Because I missed my favorites blog on Thursday, I am making up for it by writing it on Saturday. Some of my favorites won't be exclusive to this month. Like this drink for example:
Arnold Palmer, Half&Half. Lemonade and iced tea! It's made by the Arizona company and if you don't Arizona where you are from, well, then.. Sucks for you! I'm just kidding. I am sorry though. It has been a favorite of mine recently though. Something else I won't be able to get enough of is turkey!! For all of you who live in the United States of America, Thanksgiving is coming up! And fast. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Any of you have any family traditions that are exclusive to this holiday? My family usually gathers at my cousin's house for a feast and then football and games. But this year and last I won't be home for Thanksgiving. This year I'll be spending it in Idaho with the snow and last year I went tropical with it. I was living in Hawaii at the time and went sailing and swimming with sea-turtles for Thanksgiving. Also, I went to about three different dinners. An extremely different Thanksgiving than what I am used to,but well worth it. A final favorite of the month for me, is my Daddy's birthday is in November. My dad does grilled dinners instead of presents for birthdays. And I absolutely love it! I am not one for receiving gifts (much rather give, but I"m also broke), but I won't say no to a fantastic meal! My dad is a wizard on the grill and my step-mom takes care of any desserts or side-dishes that have to be prepared in the kitchen. And together the meal always sublime. Sadly this year I am fourteen hours away and will not be attending it, but it's still a favorite. Not a lot, but each thing counts for a lot in my book.
Until next time turkeys. Byee!!

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