Wednesday, November 6, 2013

First Official Snow

Baby it's cold outside!
Today in Rexburg we got our first official snow! And by that I mean it stuck to the ground. Now I am all for the snow activities, but I hate the cold that comes with it. But the cold only means that it's time to bundle up! My outfit for today is: dark wash, blue skinny jeans and brown boots, with a navy blue long sleeve Hollister top and a black tank top under that. Over all of that (for when I venture outdoors) I have selected a mostly brown and pink coat with a large, protective hood. The coat sort of gathers at the waist with this tight band and at the wrists. Everywhere else is thick and poofy and the hood is fur-lined.

For my accessories I have decided on a simple, thin, black braided belt, a black banded wrist-watch with diamonds around the face, a simple black and green necklace that has a little bear on it, and some penny earrings! No rings today for me.
My hair and make-up, again, I have kept very simple and easy. I am wearing just a little bit of mascara today for my eyes and some Nourishing Burt's Bees Lip Balm with Mango Butter on my lips. And all I have done for my hair was to pull it up into a high pony.
So that's the scoop for today! I am off to see what I can do with this weather. Have a wonderful day hatch-lings.
And until next time! Byee!

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