Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Travels

Hello Beans,
In honor of Thanksgiving this post will be about the places I've been at Thanksgiving. If you don't know, or haven't picked it up by now, I freaking love Thanksgiving! It's my favorite holiday. Normally my Thanksgivings are spent back home in Arizona (where I am originally from, but I was born in Nor. Cal.). Last year I was in Hawaii for Thanksgiving. I went out sailing in the morning and by afternoon we took the boat out to a sandbar and swam with the sea-turtles! After that we (we ps. is referring to my roommate and myself) went to her brother's house and had an early dinner there, then after the early dinner there, we went to her co-workers/ friends and had another dinner there! Then I had some dessert later on with some friends that I had met there previously and then went back out with my roommate to here boyfriend's house on the opposite side of the island for a movie. It was easily the most packed and interesting Thanksgiving that I have ever experienced. Their dinner was also very different, instead of having the traditional turkey as a main turkey was more of a side and then there was sushi and fish and pulled pork and shredded beef and so so much rice! It was absolutely an amazing experience. Definitely memorable and something that I will keep with me forever.

This year I won't be home again. I was supposed to go to Sacramento to see my other half of my family but I cannot afford it.. Sadly. I was looking forward to it immensely, but what happens, happens. So when I found out I was too broke to go I thought I was going to have to stay in Rexburg, Idaho by myself. Literally, everyone that I know here, including my roommates are leaving. But a very kind friend of mine found out that I have no where to go this year and invited me to go to Utah with him and his sister for Thanksgiving! So, that's where I will be going this year. I have never met any of his family before including his sister and we really only hang out every so often. At the least this will be an adventure! But I would be lying if I said that I wasn't looking forward to it. Because I don't really want to be alone on my favorite holiday! So I really am very appreciative to his generosity.

Only time will tell where I will be next Thanksgiving! But until that time comes, who knows? I have a whole year to figure that one out. So, for now I can sit back relax and enjoy this wonderful holiday of family, friends and good fortune. Never forget to be thankful for all the blessings in your life, big and small. Try to be thankful for them always and not just this holiday season. You will have a full and happier life. Be thankful for even the littlest of things. Even on a bad day at least one thing has to go even slightly right, so focus on that and let the bad things melt into the past. Be thankful for that one little thing that went right. Life isn't bad, life is what you make of it. Everyday can't be perfect, but cherish the ones that are.
Until next time. Happy Thanksgiving!! Byee!!

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