Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Working Woman

So, today is the very first day of my new job! Now don't get excited because I work the deli department of a grocery store called Broulim's. It's located in Rexburg, Idaho and is where pretty much where everyone in town goes to get all their grocery needs. They are a very good grocery store though, mind you. Now, do get excited at the fact that I am not completely broke anymore!! I can pay for things, and not just the necessities either. I now have the option of buying things that I want. (Not that, that will happen often. I always feel bad buying things for myself). The downside is the apparel. So, today I am wearing black slacks, a white tank, and my famous black pea-coat over it. Not shown though, I have a black work shirt that goes over my tank top. Seeing as I won't wear it anywhere but inside the store, I didn't really feel inclined to include it. I also will be putting on some just oh so sexy black tennis shoes. As far as accessories go, I am not wearing any today. Not even some little stud earrings.
Also my hair and make-up has been kept simple as usual. For my make-up, I did this really complicated look called wearing no make-up. It requires the many and tedious steps of doing nothing to your face. So, yes, other than my lip balm (which I always wear, ps) I have nothing on. But for my hair I have braided my bangs back into a messy bun. It's really simple, really easy to do and is a great hairstyle that still looks good but that you can do when you are in a rush. Since my work requires you to have your hair back anyway, I went with it for today.

That really about concludes my look for today. It's just really simple, classic basic look for work. Nothing too extreme is allowed and I have to stay in dress-code anyway. My looks are really normally simple looks anyway, just a little nicer looking than this work outfit. Still, doesn't look too bad at all considering that I work in deli. I have worked in a deli before though so, I know how this train rolls. Here's to looking good no matter what job you work!
And until next time! Byee!!

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