Monday, November 4, 2013

Date Night - Do's & Don't's

I've missed you young-lings. So today I am going to tell you all about the wonderfully, wide world of dating. I have been dating (and dating for me, means that I have been going on several dates with the same person. But we aren't in a relationship) this guy and a couple nights ago he took me out for some dinner when he was off of work. The date went well, but it got me thinking about some of the things that could go wrong during a date. So, without further ado: The do's and don't's of dating.

DO: Guys, use basic date etiquette. When you pick her up go to her door. Don't just honk your horn from the street or send her a text saying, "here". That's lame and I guarantee that she will think more of you if you do something as simple as that.
       Also, open her door for her when she's getting into the car. Little things go a long way. You don't have to be extravagant, but showing little signs of respect for her (like opening her car door) will go a long way. And ladies, make sure that you thank him for opening the door for you.
       Always have something planned in advance. A lot of time is wasted when you both sit around deciding what to do or where to go. Have, what I like to call, a 'rough sketch' of what you want to do. Make sure you take her opinion into account when planning the date so that it will be fun for the both of you.
       Girls, don't pick something overly girly to do. The guy won't enjoy that at all and might even be less-inclined to ask you out again. Try somethings that he likes to do and don't be afraid to get a little dirty sometimes.
       Guys, sometimes it's ok to curl up with her and watch her favorite chick-flick. It won't make you any less manly watching a girly movie with her sometimes. Matter-of-fact she'll probably appreciate the fact that you can make small sacrifices like that for her. Your action movies and comedies will still be around even when the chick flick is over. (Don't be afraid to even enjoy it a little).
       If it's a first date that you are going on, go somewhere where you guys can talk and hold full conversations. The whole point of a first date is to get to know the other the person and see if you want it to go anywhere with them further. Places such as a cinema, concerts, or loud clubs, limits your talk time and by the end of the night you both leave not knowing anything new about that other person's personality.
       At the end of the night, guys, walk her to her door And say your 'goodnights' there. Don't just drop her off in her driveway and leave. Take the few extra seconds to get out of the car and walk with her up to the door. *Remember that small gestures go a long way in most cases*

DONT: Guys, do not try and kiss a girl after one date with them. Most, not all (some are an exception), but most girls do not like to be kissed after only one night out with you. Give it some time and show her that you have respect for her to show some restraint. That way it doesn't get moving too fast and you have less of a chance of freaking the girl out.
      Guys, pay attention when she is speaking. Don't be off in la-la land somewhere. Girls appreciate it when you listen to them and can have something appropriate and intelligible to respond with when she is finished talking.
      Girls, do not take up all of the talk time. Guys have voices too and sometimes like to tell their stories or share their input, so let them. The same with girls, listen to what the guy has to say.
      Guys and girls both, do NOT bring up any past relationships or ex's without prompting, especially, from the other person. No one likes to be compared to someone in your significant other's past. They like to be thought of as an individual and like they are the only person that you have met like them. So just be safe and stay well away from those topics of conversation.

Well, as the list could go on I will stop with those. These are some of the main points of dating. The what to do and what to not do when out and about with your significant other. And though I am definitely no expert on this topic, hopefully you find this little guide helpful in some way.
But, until next time. Happy dating! Byee!!

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