Friday, November 1, 2013

Ender's Game

Hello Movie Watchers,
Last night, or this morning if you will, I went to go see the midnight premiere of the movie Ender's Game. Now, if you have not read the book yet, go read it. Now. It's an absolutely amazing book, very well-written novel with an interesting story plot. They made a movie out of it for those of you that don't know and it was really well done. They had very good actors/ actresses in it that played their parts to the fullest and the special effects were sublime. However, the story-line was very sped up. They crammed the entire novel into two hours when, in my opinion, it could have been easily made into a two-part movie. It caused them to leave out some fairly crucial parts of the book. For an example Ender's brother and sister did not play as big of role in the movie as they did in the book. Especially Ender's sister Valentine. In the book she was a huge part in Ender's well-being. And Valentine and Peter (Ender's older brother) had their part of the book about conspiracy against the government on Earth was completely cut out. Something very important to the understanding of the story-line that was cut out, was in battleschool they didn't fully explain why the "real battle" wasn't with the Buggers, (or Formics as they are called in the movie), but with the teachers. It was easy to understand well enough though, if you went into it without having read the book first. But some parts (because of the sped up story-line), would be a little on the hazy side without the background information that the book gives to you. Overall I am very happy with how the movie turned out, because the book is one of my favorites. I have read it several times. I just wish that they would have separated the movie into two parts so that they could have added in some of the more vital parts of the book. Honestly though, go read the book because it was incredibly fantastic and see the movie! Because it really was a good watch.
And until next time little ones! Byee!!

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