Monday, November 25, 2013

Finding The "One"

It's Thanksgiving week!!
I am so so so excited. I love Thanksgiving it's my favorite holiday for sure. Getting together with family and friends, no stress, and eating until you pop! What's better than that? So first off I wanted to apologize for missing Friday's review, but my computer got a bug and I couldn't use it for all of Friday and Saturday. But it is fixed (for the most part) and I was able to get on and get some things sorted.

So, are you worried about finding the right person for you? Well, most are but this isn't something that you should be stressing about. These next few tips will apply to people of both genders:

Don't ever feel like you should have to change or lower any of your personal standards to keep someone interested in you. If they like you that much they will accept you for you, and not be constantly asking you to change things about yourself and to lower any of your set standards. ANY person, guy or girl, who is pressuring you into something that is below what you believe is not someone you want to be around.

Make an effort to get to know each other's friends. It's really cool when a guy or girl is comfortable enough with you to bring you around his/ her friends to hang out. So make an effort to get to know them and get along. They have been with hanging out with their friends for a lot longer than they have been with you, and if they are any sort of decent person at all they won't neglect you, but don't just stick to them. Get to know their friends. They brought you along to hang out for a reason. Personally when the guy I am dating makes an effort to be friends with my friends it's really cool, because then I know that we can all hang out together. And vice versa, when he is comfortable enough to bring me around his friends.

If they meet the family don't freak out if your significant other has nothing in common with them. What matters the most is if they get along with them. And even more so that they are treating you right and the way that you deserve to be treated. Just because they don't root for the same sports teams or shop in the same stores, doesn't mean that they cannot get along. As long as they hold you in the highest respect and care for you the way you should be cared for, your family will probably like them. Your family cares about your well-being, so most (and I do mean this for most cases) of the time your family will only not like the person you are dating if they feel they aren't treating you right.

If you are in the early stages of dating, go on dates with several people. This may seem like an odd concept to most, but it's ok to go on dates with a couple different people to get to know them and see if you would get along in a relationship. Just leave out any and all physical stuff until you're sure that's the person you want to be with. Take, or go out with, a few people and when you are sure of who you like pursue them and only take them out and no one else. When you get to that point of knowing who you like and want to be with, then throw the physical stuff in. But if you are kissing and being all cuddly to several people things get misconstrued and that's how hearts get broken. It hurts everyone involved and instead of ending up with one of the people that you were originally interested in, you get no one at all. So leave the physical stuff for after you figure out who you want to be with exclusively or in a relationship with.

That is some more of that relationship nonsense. I hope that it can help one of you out there. And overall, just remember, don't over-think and stress out, just be yourself and the right one for you will appreciate you for it.
Until next time my love drunk puppies. Byee!!

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