Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day Of Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving Turkey Brains!
Today is one of those days that makes you stop and think, Dang, I am one lucky person. Though most don't stop to think about what they can be thankful for having everyday (as they should), at least once a year, on this holiday, people acknowledge what they have and are thankful for. Hopefully it's always more than they realize. For me I try to be thankful for even the small stuff. I'm human so I definitely understand that not everyday can be rainbows and unicorns. But I believe that there is still SO much to be thankful for every single day you're alive.

I am thankful for a roof over my head and the bowl I ate my cereal out of. I am thankful for the bed in my room and the heater that keeps me warm at night. I am thankful for the window that allows me to see the glory of the ever-changing weather outside. I am thankful for the sun when it snows and the cool breeze on a hot, sunny day. I am thankful for my supportive family and new-born second cousin. I am thankful for my dynamic friends who are always there for me. I am thankful for human beings and the stuff our minds come up with. I am thankful for my health and that though I have had many problems it could be a lot worse. I am thankful for the doctors who took care of me when my health was lacking and the ones who care for my family everyday. I am thankful for musicians and all of the diversity they bring to this planet. I am thankful for my job, it allows me to keep where I live. I am thankful for my dog for bringing me joy, love and comfort. I am thankful for my sister's dog, for bringing her joy, love and comfort. I am thankful for all of the charitable people who help those who need it or have been through trauma and destruction. I am thankful for people in other countries and the culture that they supply us with and diversity. I am thankful for individuality so everyone is free to think and act on their own. I am thankful creativity and the different levels it comes in. I am thankful to be able to wake up to clean water and food every morning. I am thankful for a warm shower. I am thankful to my church. And I am thankful for this Earth. (PS. I know by saying that last thing that I sound Super hippie, but honestly, think where we'd without it. Not far I'll tell you that much). (PSS. Not that there's anything wrong with hippies).

Life is amazing and full of the unexpected. It's changing, even if it's infinitesimal amounts, everyday and allowing us to be thankful for each thing that a new day brings to us. Try to remember everyday all that has blessed your lives and be thankful for them each and everyday.
Until next time. Happy Thanksgiving! Byee!!

Family, Friends, Things I am thankful for having in my life:

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