Thursday, November 21, 2013

This Week's Favorites

Hiya Guys!
So much can happen in one day, let alone a week. So, here are some of my favorite things that happened. I went out with the guy I've been dating and we went with another couple to go bowling, get some ice-cream and then watch a movie. A pretty packed night, just full of adventure. And I won in bowling! (Now before you little peaches go and make fun, let me give you some back story: I suck at bowling). Not only does that Never happen, but I finally broke a score of one hundred! That may not seem like a lot to you little cheats, but I have never gotten one hundred before. Up until last night my highest score was about eighty-four and now my new high score is! Drum roll.. One hundred and seven! Exciting, exciting. I know. I don't know how I am ever going to top that one, but I will relish the moment of my victory over myself. And my day wasn't going so well, so that was a highlight for me.

Here's a tip, don't take advantage of the small stuff. Enjoy the little things that give you pleasure! They are there for a reason. The things that get us through the day and make living worthwhile. I'm not saying that the big stuff doesn't matter, but don't just forget about the little things. And be thankful for those little things. Sometimes one of those little things is drinking hot chocolate with your best friend and then watching Up. And that's exactly what I did a couple of nights ago. I love my hot coco (as most should know) and I hadn't seen the movie Up in so long! It was a really good time just sitting there and laughing and quoting the movie as we watched. It just allows you to take a break for a little bit and relax, to not worry so much. It's healthy for people to take that kind of time for themselves.

Here's another favorite of the week. Cheez-Its! I have been carrying this with me as snack everywhere this week. It has been my best friend. My mom sent me a little care package a while ago and one of the items were the Cheez-Its. I have eaten so so many of them this week. But I can't help how yummy they taste.

One last thing before I go, my family! Always a favorite for me, but sometimes, more than other times, you realize how much you greatly appreciate them. That was this past week for me. Don't take advantage of your family. Friends have the potential to come and go. But family will always be there, no matter what you do, or what happens.

That's all for me for now! Make what you do count!
Until next time. Byee!!

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