Friday, November 15, 2013

The Mighty Thor

Well Hi!
Guess what I went and saw the midnight showing to... 
Thor! Thor: The Dark World. This movie was absolutely amazing! I loved every minute of it. Classically the movie is called Thor but Loki is my favorite character. His part was played excellently as always by the incredible Tom Hiddleston. His lines were some of the funniest and he made the movie for me. Tom Hiddleston didn't waste a single second of his screen time in this movie. From when first on screen to last on screen he played his part to the absolute fullest! (And that goes without saying to give too much away). Although all actors/ actresses in this movie did their parts justice. It was a very well put-together movie and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. The movie had a wonderful balance of comedy and action while throwing in the romance of course. It is a movie that everyone can see and enjoy. I, personally, liked Thor: The Dark World better than the first movie. Though, you don't have to see the first movie to understand this one. If anything, watch The Avengers before seeing this one, if you haven't yet. Some of the lines and scenes refer back to the movie The Avengers and will be easier to get if you've seen is first. Though it is not a necessity. You can still understand the plot and enjoy the movie regardless. This movie is definitely worth the watch! If you haven't seen it yet, go, now! You will thank me later. And Thor isn't even my favorite hero, but it was an amazing movie. That is this week's review.
Until next time. Byee!

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