Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The UK

Hello Young Beans,
So today I want to tell you all about a fabulous place called the United Kingdom. And how I might be able to study there!! I am currently working with an Across the Pond program and might be continuing my schooling next year in England.
This makes me extremely ecstatic because I absolutely love to travel and experience new things and cultures. (Culture is definitely my favorite reason for traveling). And one of the places that I have Always wanted to visit most is England. And what better way to finish your schooling than to do it in another country! Right!? I haven't applied to any schools over there yet, but all fingers crossed that I get accepted when the time comes. Right now myself, and one of their ambassadors, are working on getting my information into the system to see what colleges/ universities best suit my academic needs and would be most willing to accept my application. After all that has been processed and test scores submitted a list of the most (not all) compatible schools will be sent to me. After that I have choice of any school and the applications start. They will help me to send out five applications to the schools that they think most suit me (along with my consent of course). Once the applications are in, I just wait for the responses! It's so exhilarating. I have been pouring over e-mails and pamphlets and booklets and miniature magazines of universities and living and social and financial and.. Well, you get it, a lot of words on the subject have been read. Overall, I hope for the best with this amazing opportunity!
Until next time. Cheerio! Jk.. Byee!!

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