Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Aloha Everyone!
Today I want to take you to the beautiful sandy beaches and green mountain ridges of the island Oahu, Hawaii.

I lived in Hawaii for seven months and they were (absolute honesty and no sarcasm) the best times of my life so far. It was such a growing experience for me in so many ways. Now Hawaii, for a lot of people, is just a hot vacation spot. To me, it was home. I had an entire Hawaiian ohana (family) there. I got to do, see and experience so many amazing things there!

I swam with wild sea-turtles, went on amazing hikes, learned to surf, snorkeled, cliff jumped and so many other things. The best thing about living there was you got to know not only the big tourist spots, but all the local spots too. While it was Oahu that I lived on, I also visited Maui over Christmas. Both islands are beautiful, but Maui is a little bit bigger and less crowded than Oahu is. One of my favorite things was hiking in the sunrise. On a clear night/ morning there is a mountain that you can reach of the top of (on Oahu) and in the clear, early-morning hours you can actually see the island Moloka'i in the distance. It is an absolutely surreal feeling.
The cuisine is different there as well, but just as fantastic tasting (if not better), as the mainland's food. They have this dish there that's called an acai bowl. And what it is, is an acai berry that's been purred and granola, fresh cut fruit, and honey are added on top. It's super good for you and delicious! Easily one of my favorite food items there.

I miss Hawaii tremendously and all of the lovely people there. They are a super friendly, laid-back, yet hard-working people. They take everything in stride and tend to not sweat the small stuff. The island is immersed in culture and has been doused in good spirit. I would go back in a heartbeat if given the funds, and say to you, if given any chance; Go to Hawaii! No matter the amount of time you get to spend there make all the seconds count. There is so much to discover! And it's all worth it.
Until next time. Mahalo for reading! Byee!!

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