Thursday, November 7, 2013

Winter Favorites

Hi Peaches,
Now that winter is finally coming upon us it's time for some winter favorites! Any type of hot chocolate. I love, love, love hot chocolate. I drink it often, I drink it fast. And the colder it gets the more fitting it is to drink. My favorite way to make the perfect cup of hot coco goes as follows; Make the hot coco with warm milk instead of water, add a of drops, or so, of peppermint extract, add in a little bit of mini marshmallows, top that with whipped cream, drizzle caramel and/or hot fudge on the whipped, and then mix it all together with a cinnamon stick. This may seem like an overload, but trust me it's amazing! You'll thank me later.

Another thing is hot tubing! It's nice in the summer, but nothing feels better then going and sitting in a nice, warm hot tub with a bunch of friends at the first fallen snow. The air is fantastically cold, brisk, and fresh but you are surrounded by the water's warmth safe from the weather's cold bite.

Bonfires! Also another great year-round thing, but something just feels cool about being next to a blazing hot fire when you are out in the cold. Then when the fire dies down and it starts to get too cold, you go inside and enjoy some nice hot chocolate!

Curling up in a blanket while watching a movie is great when it is snowing outside. When I feel like I am stuck at home because of the snow it is seriously one of my favorite things to do.

And finally winter sports! When it finally snows a substantial amount two of my favorite things are to go skiing and snowboarding. I grew up skiing so I am definitely a lot better at it than I am with snowboarding. But I love to do both of them. I want to eventually be equally good at both, but when you grew up as a skier, it is a weird feeling to suddenly have your feet glued together. Both are super fun though and I would recommend either one to anyone.

Even if you are like me and are not a huge fan of winter because you hate the cold (and trust me, I HATE being cold. Worst feeling ever), there are still lots of fun things to do to keep your self warm and a little less miserable this winter season.
Until next time! Happy snow days! Byee!

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