Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lazy Days/ About Me Facts

Thanksgiving is Tomorrow!!
I am so stoked! You don't even know.
In honor of this wonderful holiday (and due to the fact I have to work later today and don't want to get dolled up before work), but mostly the holiday! I am chilling in my pj's. You know those days where you want to just sit and watch Psych on Netflix and eat your body weight in chocolate and cheese crackers? Yeah, one of those type of day outfits. Just lounging around. I have my zebra stripped pajama bottoms on, a navy t-shirt and my navy-blue Hollister hoodie on. I am so comfortable I could wear this for days! Except it would start to smell if I did that.

I don't have on any accessories. EXPECT for my Union Jack earrings. They are always an exception. Mainly because I thought that they were lost years ago, but now that my earrings and I have been reunited I pretty much never take them off. They are my favorite pair of earrings, so might as well get good use out them. And for hair and make-up! No make-up as usual and my hair is just in a messy bun at the back of head.

That is it for today's outfit, then I'll change into my glamorous work clothes and head off to the deli. Also, here are some fifteen quick facts about me since not much went into today's blog post. Enjoy!

1. Thanksgiving is my number one favorite holiday. To the point where if I end up moving to England next year, I will probably still celebrate it.
2. I am an American born and raised, but I think the Union Jack is the coolest flag ever. It's my favorite even over the American flag.
3. My favorite type of food is Italian, but I'm not a picky eater and love all foods and will try Almost anything once.
4. I have traveled to 26 of the states in America and hope to someday visit all fifty.
5. I only have one sibling and she is three years younger than me and doesn't look anything like me at all.
6. I am exact replica of my mother and we are alike in almost every way from looks to personality and the way we sound.
7. I am a member of the LDS church.
8. I love Harry Potter with a passion. There probably isn't a person out there who likes it more than me. I have yet to meet someone who could give me a run for my money, but would love to.
9. Music is my life. I love it all and have a firm belief that each genre has something great to offer up. (And not just the top forty stuff they play on the radio).
10. I am terrible with technology. Absolutely awful.
11. I hate gold jewelry and will avoid it if at all possible. But if given to me, I try to still wear it as much as possible. The exception being white gold, white gold I'm cool with.
12. I took four years of culinary arts and actually enjoy cooking. But when it comes to baking sweets I don't like it. I am not a fan baking.
13. I have a small mix-breed dog named Belle. She is a Jack Russell and Miniature Pincer mix and I got her for free when she was just a puppy. Though full of energy and a little rambunctious, she is the best dog I have ever owned.
14. Dolphins and giraffes are my two favorite animals.
And last but not least..
15. I went skydiving for my eighteenth birthday! My family refused and all my friends bailed on me, so I went alone. It was an amazing experience and I didn't get scared once. (True fact).

That's all for today! Until next time. Happy turkey preparation day. Byee!!

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