Monday, November 11, 2013

That Relationship Stuff

Hello Everyone!
I figured that today I would give some more dating advice. For those out there that don't know what to do or could just use a tip or two. So, without further ado: Part two of dating do's and don't's.

Communication is an extremely important part of any type of relationship. Whether it be a friendship or something romantic, between family or something professional, without communication the relationship is dead. Things can get confused or misconstrued if you don't talk things out with each other and that's how a lot of relationships end. Talk out both the good and the bad stuff. You should always go to your significant other to resolve any issues between you two, but it's also good to stop and talk about all the good things. Memories you had together, things you both like, the fun times. And remember why you got together in the first place.

Don't let the small stuff get in between you. Putting a dish in the wrong place or forgetting to pick something up does not matter that much. Don't make a huge deal about. If it continues to happen, just talk to the other person calmly about it. Making a fuss will only result in two very agitated people. It won't bring you together, it will just push you apart. We are all human, and just remember when your significant other forgets something, that you have forgot things before too.

Pick your battles wisely. If you are with someone who is constantly degrading and putting you down sometimes that's not a war you want to win. Just let them go and walk away. Relationships should be about the other person and making them happy, so if you both aren't working toward that goal it's miserable. One person shouldn't have to put in eighty percent of the effort while the other contributes maybe twenty. Relationships are a two part deal, and your significant other should be trying to please you just as much as you want to make them happy as well. This won't cut problems completely out of the relationship, but it will make things easier to work out and both of you will be a lot happier.

Kind of going along with the previous section; do not keep thinking that everyone is going to just change for you. If your significant other hurts you, says they are going to change and then hurts you in that same way again, there is a HUGE chance that it will happen again. Stopping thinking to yourself, "Oh, that will be the last time" or "Maybe they really will change this time". If they didn't fix the issue the first time you do not have to sit around and take that emotional beating from them over and over again. For example: I was with a guy who cheated on me. Several times! And each and every time he did it and I found out, I would tell myself that, that was the last time and that it wouldn't happen again. While each time he cheated it crushed me over and over until I was just completely worn emotionally and it started to tire me physically as well. It took me a long time before I realized that I deserved better than that and didn't have to waste my time making someone happy who didn't care about my feelings at all.

Well, a little heavier than the first date stuff, but still advice none-the-less. And I hope that it can help someone out there! Relationships are hard and a lot of work, but you can make them just a little bit easier and last just that much longer with the right amount of effort.
But, until next time. Byee!!

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