Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving With The Reids

This is the story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down...
Or it could quite possibly be the story of what happened in Utah over Thanksgiving. Anyway..
Hello Everyone!

As most might know I went to Utah with a friend over Thanksgiving because all of my plans fell through and I had nowhere to go. Well, my friend and his family were nice enough to take me in and I was down there Thursday all of Friday and left on Saturday morning to get back to work. It's such a bummer! (It's funny how we humans complain we need a job and when we get one we never want to work. If only we could still get paid without going into the actual job itself). But work is money and money means I continuing living.

So I wake up Thursday morning feeling nothing like P-Diddy, and gather all my stuff together for the four hour trek from Rexburg, ID to Salt Lake, UT. When we got there we went straight to his family's house and it was with his dad's side of the family. I met his mom, dad, sister, cousin's etc. There were so many people! It was a bigger family gathering than what I was previously used to. And all of them matched my friend's personality. Loud, funny and always cracking jokes. It wasn't uncomfortable for me at all though. It was good to see such a big family that was so close. We ate dinner when we got there and then left that house to go watch the movie Frozen. A really cute, funny film but I probably wouldn't take a small child to see it honestly. When the movie was over we went back to the his parent's condo (where I stayed for my visit there) and got into the hot tub. Then ate a miniature second dinner! PS. I thought his mom's turkey tasted so much better than the one I ate at actual dinner. Not that it was bad, just wasn't my favorite. I shared the second bedroom with his sister and we shared the king bed in there. She's a good person to share a room with, so I didn't mind at all. I was honestly pretty at ease with everything, and I felt like they were probably nicer to me than I deserved.

Black Friday day we just slept in, had a nice meal and went out to Park City for some shopping at the outlet mall there. It was a good time and they didn't overkill the shopping time which was way nice. We only spent maybe a little over an hour shopping before we left Park City. Now, I honestly love going shopping (being broke sure puts a damper on that though) but too much time in a mall could kill a person. And has, I'm sure. After Park City we drove on down to Salt Lake and went to an NBA game. My first ever! It was pretty cool, I enjoyed it. It was against the Jazz and Suns. Now I tried my best to go for the Jazz seeing I was in the midst of blood-thirty Utah fans, but I just couldn't help the swelling pride every time Phoenix scored.

I'm from Arizona ya'll. (I never say 'ya'll' and now despise myself for it). I was programmed to be happy for the Suns.

The Suns who won! I wouldn't have cared so much if the Jazz had actually won, but still I get that sense of self-pride because they didn't. After the game we did a short burst of shopping at City Creek mall and then toured the lights on the temple grounds. They were so pretty I'm sure if one more second was spent there I would've dropped dead. And then made our way back to then condo and went to bed. This morning I got up, said my good-byes and thanked everyone and made the drive home again. All by myself this time.

Overall, it was a good fun, experience and I am honestly grateful for them taking me in.
Until next time. I hope your holiday experiences have been good so far. Byee!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day Of Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving Turkey Brains!
Today is one of those days that makes you stop and think, Dang, I am one lucky person. Though most don't stop to think about what they can be thankful for having everyday (as they should), at least once a year, on this holiday, people acknowledge what they have and are thankful for. Hopefully it's always more than they realize. For me I try to be thankful for even the small stuff. I'm human so I definitely understand that not everyday can be rainbows and unicorns. But I believe that there is still SO much to be thankful for every single day you're alive.

I am thankful for a roof over my head and the bowl I ate my cereal out of. I am thankful for the bed in my room and the heater that keeps me warm at night. I am thankful for the window that allows me to see the glory of the ever-changing weather outside. I am thankful for the sun when it snows and the cool breeze on a hot, sunny day. I am thankful for my supportive family and new-born second cousin. I am thankful for my dynamic friends who are always there for me. I am thankful for human beings and the stuff our minds come up with. I am thankful for my health and that though I have had many problems it could be a lot worse. I am thankful for the doctors who took care of me when my health was lacking and the ones who care for my family everyday. I am thankful for musicians and all of the diversity they bring to this planet. I am thankful for my job, it allows me to keep where I live. I am thankful for my dog for bringing me joy, love and comfort. I am thankful for my sister's dog, for bringing her joy, love and comfort. I am thankful for all of the charitable people who help those who need it or have been through trauma and destruction. I am thankful for people in other countries and the culture that they supply us with and diversity. I am thankful for individuality so everyone is free to think and act on their own. I am thankful creativity and the different levels it comes in. I am thankful to be able to wake up to clean water and food every morning. I am thankful for a warm shower. I am thankful to my church. And I am thankful for this Earth. (PS. I know by saying that last thing that I sound Super hippie, but honestly, think where we'd without it. Not far I'll tell you that much). (PSS. Not that there's anything wrong with hippies).

Life is amazing and full of the unexpected. It's changing, even if it's infinitesimal amounts, everyday and allowing us to be thankful for each thing that a new day brings to us. Try to remember everyday all that has blessed your lives and be thankful for them each and everyday.
Until next time. Happy Thanksgiving! Byee!!

Family, Friends, Things I am thankful for having in my life:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lazy Days/ About Me Facts

Thanksgiving is Tomorrow!!
I am so stoked! You don't even know.
In honor of this wonderful holiday (and due to the fact I have to work later today and don't want to get dolled up before work), but mostly the holiday! I am chilling in my pj's. You know those days where you want to just sit and watch Psych on Netflix and eat your body weight in chocolate and cheese crackers? Yeah, one of those type of day outfits. Just lounging around. I have my zebra stripped pajama bottoms on, a navy t-shirt and my navy-blue Hollister hoodie on. I am so comfortable I could wear this for days! Except it would start to smell if I did that.

I don't have on any accessories. EXPECT for my Union Jack earrings. They are always an exception. Mainly because I thought that they were lost years ago, but now that my earrings and I have been reunited I pretty much never take them off. They are my favorite pair of earrings, so might as well get good use out them. And for hair and make-up! No make-up as usual and my hair is just in a messy bun at the back of head.

That is it for today's outfit, then I'll change into my glamorous work clothes and head off to the deli. Also, here are some fifteen quick facts about me since not much went into today's blog post. Enjoy!

1. Thanksgiving is my number one favorite holiday. To the point where if I end up moving to England next year, I will probably still celebrate it.
2. I am an American born and raised, but I think the Union Jack is the coolest flag ever. It's my favorite even over the American flag.
3. My favorite type of food is Italian, but I'm not a picky eater and love all foods and will try Almost anything once.
4. I have traveled to 26 of the states in America and hope to someday visit all fifty.
5. I only have one sibling and she is three years younger than me and doesn't look anything like me at all.
6. I am exact replica of my mother and we are alike in almost every way from looks to personality and the way we sound.
7. I am a member of the LDS church.
8. I love Harry Potter with a passion. There probably isn't a person out there who likes it more than me. I have yet to meet someone who could give me a run for my money, but would love to.
9. Music is my life. I love it all and have a firm belief that each genre has something great to offer up. (And not just the top forty stuff they play on the radio).
10. I am terrible with technology. Absolutely awful.
11. I hate gold jewelry and will avoid it if at all possible. But if given to me, I try to still wear it as much as possible. The exception being white gold, white gold I'm cool with.
12. I took four years of culinary arts and actually enjoy cooking. But when it comes to baking sweets I don't like it. I am not a fan baking.
13. I have a small mix-breed dog named Belle. She is a Jack Russell and Miniature Pincer mix and I got her for free when she was just a puppy. Though full of energy and a little rambunctious, she is the best dog I have ever owned.
14. Dolphins and giraffes are my two favorite animals.
And last but not least..
15. I went skydiving for my eighteenth birthday! My family refused and all my friends bailed on me, so I went alone. It was an amazing experience and I didn't get scared once. (True fact).

That's all for today! Until next time. Happy turkey preparation day. Byee!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Travels

Hello Beans,
In honor of Thanksgiving this post will be about the places I've been at Thanksgiving. If you don't know, or haven't picked it up by now, I freaking love Thanksgiving! It's my favorite holiday. Normally my Thanksgivings are spent back home in Arizona (where I am originally from, but I was born in Nor. Cal.). Last year I was in Hawaii for Thanksgiving. I went out sailing in the morning and by afternoon we took the boat out to a sandbar and swam with the sea-turtles! After that we (we ps. is referring to my roommate and myself) went to her brother's house and had an early dinner there, then after the early dinner there, we went to her co-workers/ friends and had another dinner there! Then I had some dessert later on with some friends that I had met there previously and then went back out with my roommate to here boyfriend's house on the opposite side of the island for a movie. It was easily the most packed and interesting Thanksgiving that I have ever experienced. Their dinner was also very different, instead of having the traditional turkey as a main turkey was more of a side and then there was sushi and fish and pulled pork and shredded beef and so so much rice! It was absolutely an amazing experience. Definitely memorable and something that I will keep with me forever.

This year I won't be home again. I was supposed to go to Sacramento to see my other half of my family but I cannot afford it.. Sadly. I was looking forward to it immensely, but what happens, happens. So when I found out I was too broke to go I thought I was going to have to stay in Rexburg, Idaho by myself. Literally, everyone that I know here, including my roommates are leaving. But a very kind friend of mine found out that I have no where to go this year and invited me to go to Utah with him and his sister for Thanksgiving! So, that's where I will be going this year. I have never met any of his family before including his sister and we really only hang out every so often. At the least this will be an adventure! But I would be lying if I said that I wasn't looking forward to it. Because I don't really want to be alone on my favorite holiday! So I really am very appreciative to his generosity.

Only time will tell where I will be next Thanksgiving! But until that time comes, who knows? I have a whole year to figure that one out. So, for now I can sit back relax and enjoy this wonderful holiday of family, friends and good fortune. Never forget to be thankful for all the blessings in your life, big and small. Try to be thankful for them always and not just this holiday season. You will have a full and happier life. Be thankful for even the littlest of things. Even on a bad day at least one thing has to go even slightly right, so focus on that and let the bad things melt into the past. Be thankful for that one little thing that went right. Life isn't bad, life is what you make of it. Everyday can't be perfect, but cherish the ones that are.
Until next time. Happy Thanksgiving!! Byee!!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Finding The "One"

It's Thanksgiving week!!
I am so so so excited. I love Thanksgiving it's my favorite holiday for sure. Getting together with family and friends, no stress, and eating until you pop! What's better than that? So first off I wanted to apologize for missing Friday's review, but my computer got a bug and I couldn't use it for all of Friday and Saturday. But it is fixed (for the most part) and I was able to get on and get some things sorted.

So, are you worried about finding the right person for you? Well, most are but this isn't something that you should be stressing about. These next few tips will apply to people of both genders:

Don't ever feel like you should have to change or lower any of your personal standards to keep someone interested in you. If they like you that much they will accept you for you, and not be constantly asking you to change things about yourself and to lower any of your set standards. ANY person, guy or girl, who is pressuring you into something that is below what you believe is not someone you want to be around.

Make an effort to get to know each other's friends. It's really cool when a guy or girl is comfortable enough with you to bring you around his/ her friends to hang out. So make an effort to get to know them and get along. They have been with hanging out with their friends for a lot longer than they have been with you, and if they are any sort of decent person at all they won't neglect you, but don't just stick to them. Get to know their friends. They brought you along to hang out for a reason. Personally when the guy I am dating makes an effort to be friends with my friends it's really cool, because then I know that we can all hang out together. And vice versa, when he is comfortable enough to bring me around his friends.

If they meet the family don't freak out if your significant other has nothing in common with them. What matters the most is if they get along with them. And even more so that they are treating you right and the way that you deserve to be treated. Just because they don't root for the same sports teams or shop in the same stores, doesn't mean that they cannot get along. As long as they hold you in the highest respect and care for you the way you should be cared for, your family will probably like them. Your family cares about your well-being, so most (and I do mean this for most cases) of the time your family will only not like the person you are dating if they feel they aren't treating you right.

If you are in the early stages of dating, go on dates with several people. This may seem like an odd concept to most, but it's ok to go on dates with a couple different people to get to know them and see if you would get along in a relationship. Just leave out any and all physical stuff until you're sure that's the person you want to be with. Take, or go out with, a few people and when you are sure of who you like pursue them and only take them out and no one else. When you get to that point of knowing who you like and want to be with, then throw the physical stuff in. But if you are kissing and being all cuddly to several people things get misconstrued and that's how hearts get broken. It hurts everyone involved and instead of ending up with one of the people that you were originally interested in, you get no one at all. So leave the physical stuff for after you figure out who you want to be with exclusively or in a relationship with.

That is some more of that relationship nonsense. I hope that it can help one of you out there. And overall, just remember, don't over-think and stress out, just be yourself and the right one for you will appreciate you for it.
Until next time my love drunk puppies. Byee!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

This Week's Favorites

Hiya Guys!
So much can happen in one day, let alone a week. So, here are some of my favorite things that happened. I went out with the guy I've been dating and we went with another couple to go bowling, get some ice-cream and then watch a movie. A pretty packed night, just full of adventure. And I won in bowling! (Now before you little peaches go and make fun, let me give you some back story: I suck at bowling). Not only does that Never happen, but I finally broke a score of one hundred! That may not seem like a lot to you little cheats, but I have never gotten one hundred before. Up until last night my highest score was about eighty-four and now my new high score is! Drum roll.. One hundred and seven! Exciting, exciting. I know. I don't know how I am ever going to top that one, but I will relish the moment of my victory over myself. And my day wasn't going so well, so that was a highlight for me.

Here's a tip, don't take advantage of the small stuff. Enjoy the little things that give you pleasure! They are there for a reason. The things that get us through the day and make living worthwhile. I'm not saying that the big stuff doesn't matter, but don't just forget about the little things. And be thankful for those little things. Sometimes one of those little things is drinking hot chocolate with your best friend and then watching Up. And that's exactly what I did a couple of nights ago. I love my hot coco (as most should know) and I hadn't seen the movie Up in so long! It was a really good time just sitting there and laughing and quoting the movie as we watched. It just allows you to take a break for a little bit and relax, to not worry so much. It's healthy for people to take that kind of time for themselves.

Here's another favorite of the week. Cheez-Its! I have been carrying this with me as snack everywhere this week. It has been my best friend. My mom sent me a little care package a while ago and one of the items were the Cheez-Its. I have eaten so so many of them this week. But I can't help how yummy they taste.

One last thing before I go, my family! Always a favorite for me, but sometimes, more than other times, you realize how much you greatly appreciate them. That was this past week for me. Don't take advantage of your family. Friends have the potential to come and go. But family will always be there, no matter what you do, or what happens.

That's all for me for now! Make what you do count!
Until next time. Byee!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rainy Days

Rain, Rain, Go Away..
Today on this day of wetness I am wearing some black tights with some tan knee-socks over top and brown knee-high boots. Also I am wearing a skirt today! Who says that just because it's raining means you can't wear a dress? I don't! My skirt is brown and flowy and tapered at the end. On top I just have a classic tan v-neck t-shirt on (you know, to match the socks). And because you can't go outside in Rexburg without a jacket, I am wearing two! I have layered a brown leather jacket over the top of a navy blue Hollister hoodie. 

Tying the look together with accessories; I am wearing my black banded watch and my leather bracelets (which I never take off, for future reference), my Union Jack stud earrings, and my little diamond bronze, owl necklace. 

Today I have no make-up on (big shock there), and my hair is down and in its natural curly state. All I did was pull it to one side of my head. I literally just woke up, got out of the shower and got dressed today. 
And that's it for my look today!
Until next time baby B's. Or Bees if you prefer to be an insect instead of a letter. Byee!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Aloha Everyone!
Today I want to take you to the beautiful sandy beaches and green mountain ridges of the island Oahu, Hawaii.

I lived in Hawaii for seven months and they were (absolute honesty and no sarcasm) the best times of my life so far. It was such a growing experience for me in so many ways. Now Hawaii, for a lot of people, is just a hot vacation spot. To me, it was home. I had an entire Hawaiian ohana (family) there. I got to do, see and experience so many amazing things there!

I swam with wild sea-turtles, went on amazing hikes, learned to surf, snorkeled, cliff jumped and so many other things. The best thing about living there was you got to know not only the big tourist spots, but all the local spots too. While it was Oahu that I lived on, I also visited Maui over Christmas. Both islands are beautiful, but Maui is a little bit bigger and less crowded than Oahu is. One of my favorite things was hiking in the sunrise. On a clear night/ morning there is a mountain that you can reach of the top of (on Oahu) and in the clear, early-morning hours you can actually see the island Moloka'i in the distance. It is an absolutely surreal feeling.
The cuisine is different there as well, but just as fantastic tasting (if not better), as the mainland's food. They have this dish there that's called an acai bowl. And what it is, is an acai berry that's been purred and granola, fresh cut fruit, and honey are added on top. It's super good for you and delicious! Easily one of my favorite food items there.

I miss Hawaii tremendously and all of the lovely people there. They are a super friendly, laid-back, yet hard-working people. They take everything in stride and tend to not sweat the small stuff. The island is immersed in culture and has been doused in good spirit. I would go back in a heartbeat if given the funds, and say to you, if given any chance; Go to Hawaii! No matter the amount of time you get to spend there make all the seconds count. There is so much to discover! And it's all worth it.
Until next time. Mahalo for reading! Byee!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lovey-Dovey Advice

Hello Peaches,
Some serious talk for you today about the world of relationships. I wanted to touch on the movement of relationships today, because there are boundaries between how fast and slow you move in a relationship. Whether you are just getting into one or have been in one for a while, all people are different and the last thing a person wants to feel is pressured. When someone is in a pressured situation it can make them uncomfortable, uneasy or the general feeling of anxiety crops up and that's how small problems get wedged into the relationship. A lot of the time the problems build up and the wedge gets bigger and bigger. Take the time to get to know your significant other, because what might not seem fast to you, may feel like lightening speed to them. And that principle applies to girls too. Girls, guys can feel the pressure of moving too fast in a relationship too, not just you. Making your significant other jump into something they aren't ready for will drive them farther from you if anything. It all comes back to communication with each other and clarifying what steps you are ready to take and ones you can't quite handle yet. That goes for people who are just dating and looking to get into a relationship or those who are already a couple and are just progressing.

Just like moving too fast, moving too slow can also be dangerous. If you are both ready to take the next step, don't spend all your time just sitting around at the bottom, climb up to the next level! Relationships are meant to be progressive and if you both aren't moving forward together it can fizzle out, fast. You are supposed to grow together as a couple and that's what makes a relationship strong. Think of it as a tree, if the trunk was split into two parts and one side was growing faster than the other, the slower side would fall away. But if they grow together at the same speed, the two halves would merge and hold each other up. If your significant other is going way too slow (which happens), talk it out. You don't want to be going on dates with that person for months and have nothing result from it. Not only does it hurt feelings, but it wastes both  persons' times. If you are the one that is moving too slow, don't be afraid to pick up the pace a little and take a risk. You still don't have to do anything that you aren't comfortable with or ready for, but it keeps the relationship progressing. And if it's with someone that you really like, then you are going to want to progress with them so you don't lose them. I speak from personal experience: I went on dates with a guy for about two and half months once, and after that amount of time I was ready to be considered his girlfriend, but he insisted on not being ready for a relationship. So, I gave him a little more time, but in the end I left him because he couldn't give me what I was ready for; even though that little step didn't do much other than just give us a title. And I really liked him too, but I moved on.

The main point is to just know the balance of your relationship and be open and honest with your significant other. Progress and grow together. Relationships are a lot of work sometimes, but it doesn't have to be entirely difficult. People go through rough patches and rough times, that's normal because we are all human and not everyday can be perfect, but if you communicate and move at a speed that is comfortable to both of you, you can get through any day. The good and the bad. So, happy dating! And..
Until next time. Byee!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

November Favorites

Because I missed my favorites blog on Thursday, I am making up for it by writing it on Saturday. Some of my favorites won't be exclusive to this month. Like this drink for example:
Arnold Palmer, Half&Half. Lemonade and iced tea! It's made by the Arizona company and if you don't Arizona where you are from, well, then.. Sucks for you! I'm just kidding. I am sorry though. It has been a favorite of mine recently though. Something else I won't be able to get enough of is turkey!! For all of you who live in the United States of America, Thanksgiving is coming up! And fast. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Any of you have any family traditions that are exclusive to this holiday? My family usually gathers at my cousin's house for a feast and then football and games. But this year and last I won't be home for Thanksgiving. This year I'll be spending it in Idaho with the snow and last year I went tropical with it. I was living in Hawaii at the time and went sailing and swimming with sea-turtles for Thanksgiving. Also, I went to about three different dinners. An extremely different Thanksgiving than what I am used to,but well worth it. A final favorite of the month for me, is my Daddy's birthday is in November. My dad does grilled dinners instead of presents for birthdays. And I absolutely love it! I am not one for receiving gifts (much rather give, but I"m also broke), but I won't say no to a fantastic meal! My dad is a wizard on the grill and my step-mom takes care of any desserts or side-dishes that have to be prepared in the kitchen. And together the meal always sublime. Sadly this year I am fourteen hours away and will not be attending it, but it's still a favorite. Not a lot, but each thing counts for a lot in my book.
Until next time turkeys. Byee!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Mighty Thor

Well Hi!
Guess what I went and saw the midnight showing to... 
Thor! Thor: The Dark World. This movie was absolutely amazing! I loved every minute of it. Classically the movie is called Thor but Loki is my favorite character. His part was played excellently as always by the incredible Tom Hiddleston. His lines were some of the funniest and he made the movie for me. Tom Hiddleston didn't waste a single second of his screen time in this movie. From when first on screen to last on screen he played his part to the absolute fullest! (And that goes without saying to give too much away). Although all actors/ actresses in this movie did their parts justice. It was a very well put-together movie and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. The movie had a wonderful balance of comedy and action while throwing in the romance of course. It is a movie that everyone can see and enjoy. I, personally, liked Thor: The Dark World better than the first movie. Though, you don't have to see the first movie to understand this one. If anything, watch The Avengers before seeing this one, if you haven't yet. Some of the lines and scenes refer back to the movie The Avengers and will be easier to get if you've seen is first. Though it is not a necessity. You can still understand the plot and enjoy the movie regardless. This movie is definitely worth the watch! If you haven't seen it yet, go, now! You will thank me later. And Thor isn't even my favorite hero, but it was an amazing movie. That is this week's review.
Until next time. Byee!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Working Woman

So, today is the very first day of my new job! Now don't get excited because I work the deli department of a grocery store called Broulim's. It's located in Rexburg, Idaho and is where pretty much where everyone in town goes to get all their grocery needs. They are a very good grocery store though, mind you. Now, do get excited at the fact that I am not completely broke anymore!! I can pay for things, and not just the necessities either. I now have the option of buying things that I want. (Not that, that will happen often. I always feel bad buying things for myself). The downside is the apparel. So, today I am wearing black slacks, a white tank, and my famous black pea-coat over it. Not shown though, I have a black work shirt that goes over my tank top. Seeing as I won't wear it anywhere but inside the store, I didn't really feel inclined to include it. I also will be putting on some just oh so sexy black tennis shoes. As far as accessories go, I am not wearing any today. Not even some little stud earrings.
Also my hair and make-up has been kept simple as usual. For my make-up, I did this really complicated look called wearing no make-up. It requires the many and tedious steps of doing nothing to your face. So, yes, other than my lip balm (which I always wear, ps) I have nothing on. But for my hair I have braided my bangs back into a messy bun. It's really simple, really easy to do and is a great hairstyle that still looks good but that you can do when you are in a rush. Since my work requires you to have your hair back anyway, I went with it for today.

That really about concludes my look for today. It's just really simple, classic basic look for work. Nothing too extreme is allowed and I have to stay in dress-code anyway. My looks are really normally simple looks anyway, just a little nicer looking than this work outfit. Still, doesn't look too bad at all considering that I work in deli. I have worked in a deli before though so, I know how this train rolls. Here's to looking good no matter what job you work!
And until next time! Byee!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The UK

Hello Young Beans,
So today I want to tell you all about a fabulous place called the United Kingdom. And how I might be able to study there!! I am currently working with an Across the Pond program and might be continuing my schooling next year in England.
This makes me extremely ecstatic because I absolutely love to travel and experience new things and cultures. (Culture is definitely my favorite reason for traveling). And one of the places that I have Always wanted to visit most is England. And what better way to finish your schooling than to do it in another country! Right!? I haven't applied to any schools over there yet, but all fingers crossed that I get accepted when the time comes. Right now myself, and one of their ambassadors, are working on getting my information into the system to see what colleges/ universities best suit my academic needs and would be most willing to accept my application. After all that has been processed and test scores submitted a list of the most (not all) compatible schools will be sent to me. After that I have choice of any school and the applications start. They will help me to send out five applications to the schools that they think most suit me (along with my consent of course). Once the applications are in, I just wait for the responses! It's so exhilarating. I have been pouring over e-mails and pamphlets and booklets and miniature magazines of universities and living and social and financial and.. Well, you get it, a lot of words on the subject have been read. Overall, I hope for the best with this amazing opportunity!
Until next time. Cheerio! Jk.. Byee!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

That Relationship Stuff

Hello Everyone!
I figured that today I would give some more dating advice. For those out there that don't know what to do or could just use a tip or two. So, without further ado: Part two of dating do's and don't's.

Communication is an extremely important part of any type of relationship. Whether it be a friendship or something romantic, between family or something professional, without communication the relationship is dead. Things can get confused or misconstrued if you don't talk things out with each other and that's how a lot of relationships end. Talk out both the good and the bad stuff. You should always go to your significant other to resolve any issues between you two, but it's also good to stop and talk about all the good things. Memories you had together, things you both like, the fun times. And remember why you got together in the first place.

Don't let the small stuff get in between you. Putting a dish in the wrong place or forgetting to pick something up does not matter that much. Don't make a huge deal about. If it continues to happen, just talk to the other person calmly about it. Making a fuss will only result in two very agitated people. It won't bring you together, it will just push you apart. We are all human, and just remember when your significant other forgets something, that you have forgot things before too.

Pick your battles wisely. If you are with someone who is constantly degrading and putting you down sometimes that's not a war you want to win. Just let them go and walk away. Relationships should be about the other person and making them happy, so if you both aren't working toward that goal it's miserable. One person shouldn't have to put in eighty percent of the effort while the other contributes maybe twenty. Relationships are a two part deal, and your significant other should be trying to please you just as much as you want to make them happy as well. This won't cut problems completely out of the relationship, but it will make things easier to work out and both of you will be a lot happier.

Kind of going along with the previous section; do not keep thinking that everyone is going to just change for you. If your significant other hurts you, says they are going to change and then hurts you in that same way again, there is a HUGE chance that it will happen again. Stopping thinking to yourself, "Oh, that will be the last time" or "Maybe they really will change this time". If they didn't fix the issue the first time you do not have to sit around and take that emotional beating from them over and over again. For example: I was with a guy who cheated on me. Several times! And each and every time he did it and I found out, I would tell myself that, that was the last time and that it wouldn't happen again. While each time he cheated it crushed me over and over until I was just completely worn emotionally and it started to tire me physically as well. It took me a long time before I realized that I deserved better than that and didn't have to waste my time making someone happy who didn't care about my feelings at all.

Well, a little heavier than the first date stuff, but still advice none-the-less. And I hope that it can help someone out there! Relationships are hard and a lot of work, but you can make them just a little bit easier and last just that much longer with the right amount of effort.
But, until next time. Byee!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Winter Favorites

Hi Peaches,
Now that winter is finally coming upon us it's time for some winter favorites! Any type of hot chocolate. I love, love, love hot chocolate. I drink it often, I drink it fast. And the colder it gets the more fitting it is to drink. My favorite way to make the perfect cup of hot coco goes as follows; Make the hot coco with warm milk instead of water, add a of drops, or so, of peppermint extract, add in a little bit of mini marshmallows, top that with whipped cream, drizzle caramel and/or hot fudge on the whipped, and then mix it all together with a cinnamon stick. This may seem like an overload, but trust me it's amazing! You'll thank me later.

Another thing is hot tubing! It's nice in the summer, but nothing feels better then going and sitting in a nice, warm hot tub with a bunch of friends at the first fallen snow. The air is fantastically cold, brisk, and fresh but you are surrounded by the water's warmth safe from the weather's cold bite.

Bonfires! Also another great year-round thing, but something just feels cool about being next to a blazing hot fire when you are out in the cold. Then when the fire dies down and it starts to get too cold, you go inside and enjoy some nice hot chocolate!

Curling up in a blanket while watching a movie is great when it is snowing outside. When I feel like I am stuck at home because of the snow it is seriously one of my favorite things to do.

And finally winter sports! When it finally snows a substantial amount two of my favorite things are to go skiing and snowboarding. I grew up skiing so I am definitely a lot better at it than I am with snowboarding. But I love to do both of them. I want to eventually be equally good at both, but when you grew up as a skier, it is a weird feeling to suddenly have your feet glued together. Both are super fun though and I would recommend either one to anyone.

Even if you are like me and are not a huge fan of winter because you hate the cold (and trust me, I HATE being cold. Worst feeling ever), there are still lots of fun things to do to keep your self warm and a little less miserable this winter season.
Until next time! Happy snow days! Byee!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

First Official Snow

Baby it's cold outside!
Today in Rexburg we got our first official snow! And by that I mean it stuck to the ground. Now I am all for the snow activities, but I hate the cold that comes with it. But the cold only means that it's time to bundle up! My outfit for today is: dark wash, blue skinny jeans and brown boots, with a navy blue long sleeve Hollister top and a black tank top under that. Over all of that (for when I venture outdoors) I have selected a mostly brown and pink coat with a large, protective hood. The coat sort of gathers at the waist with this tight band and at the wrists. Everywhere else is thick and poofy and the hood is fur-lined.

For my accessories I have decided on a simple, thin, black braided belt, a black banded wrist-watch with diamonds around the face, a simple black and green necklace that has a little bear on it, and some penny earrings! No rings today for me.
My hair and make-up, again, I have kept very simple and easy. I am wearing just a little bit of mascara today for my eyes and some Nourishing Burt's Bees Lip Balm with Mango Butter on my lips. And all I have done for my hair was to pull it up into a high pony.
So that's the scoop for today! I am off to see what I can do with this weather. Have a wonderful day hatch-lings.
And until next time! Byee!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Coco Bean & The Bike Shop

Hi There Everyone.
Once I again I went out on a date with this guy that I have been dating for a few weeks now and had such a fun time. He picked me up and took me to this little shop called the Coco Bean and we got some hot chocolates there. Now, they sell all sorts of stuff from hot chocolate and cupcakes, to ice-cream and coffee. But if you are looking for some amazing hot chocolate and you are in the Idaho Falls or Rexburg part of Idaho, stop by the Coco Bean! They have some pretty amazing hot chocolate and it's the time of year where it is getting perfect to drink it. I ordered a Hazelnut Hot Chocolate and I have also had the Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate. You cannot go wrong with either of those flavors! The salted caramel is the perfect classic taste with the perfect balance of flavors. The Hazelnut is amazing with a strong chocolate taste at first and the hazelnut following closely behind. It was absolutely sublime and divine. My date got the Irish Cream. It was more rich in taste, for all the sweet tooths out there, but just as delectable. I have only ever been there for their hot chocolate, but sources tell me that all of their other products are amazing too, but I'm really not too huge on cake.. or frosting. So, cupcakes really aren't my thing. But maybe I'll get their ice-cream someday.

After the Coco Bean we went to the bike shop in which he works (he's a manger there so he all the keys to the store. Don't worry, it's legal), and we took the tandem bike out for a spin. Riding a tandem was actually on my bucket list because I had never done it before. It was super interesting to say the least. Being on the back seat was a lot easier but was strangely involuntary because you have no control over the bike back there. It definitely takes some getting used to. I also got to try driving the bike.. That was quite a sight. Not only was it hard to control but the seat was up too high for me and I could barely touch the pedals. Driving the bike is fairly difficult to, because you have to get both people going and stay in control of the bike. I was a horrible tandem bike driver. I ran it off the path several times, almost ran into a bench, over-corrected and shot in the opposite direction of the bench and almost ran us into a tree! And that was seriously, all in the span of about fifteen feet or so. (You can imagine how much we were both laughing at the sights of me). So, needless to say, my date drove it back around the park and over to the shop for us. It was all in good fun though and am very happy that I got to experience it!

The rest of the night ended with some card games and magic tricks at his house, filled with good conversation, and then he took me home. But for any of you wanting a good cup of coco these cold days, or to try riding a tandem remember these two things; go to the Coco Bean and if you're driving make sure the seat isn't too tall for you.

Until next time young grasshoppers! Byee!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Date Night - Do's & Don't's

I've missed you young-lings. So today I am going to tell you all about the wonderfully, wide world of dating. I have been dating (and dating for me, means that I have been going on several dates with the same person. But we aren't in a relationship) this guy and a couple nights ago he took me out for some dinner when he was off of work. The date went well, but it got me thinking about some of the things that could go wrong during a date. So, without further ado: The do's and don't's of dating.

DO: Guys, use basic date etiquette. When you pick her up go to her door. Don't just honk your horn from the street or send her a text saying, "here". That's lame and I guarantee that she will think more of you if you do something as simple as that.
       Also, open her door for her when she's getting into the car. Little things go a long way. You don't have to be extravagant, but showing little signs of respect for her (like opening her car door) will go a long way. And ladies, make sure that you thank him for opening the door for you.
       Always have something planned in advance. A lot of time is wasted when you both sit around deciding what to do or where to go. Have, what I like to call, a 'rough sketch' of what you want to do. Make sure you take her opinion into account when planning the date so that it will be fun for the both of you.
       Girls, don't pick something overly girly to do. The guy won't enjoy that at all and might even be less-inclined to ask you out again. Try somethings that he likes to do and don't be afraid to get a little dirty sometimes.
       Guys, sometimes it's ok to curl up with her and watch her favorite chick-flick. It won't make you any less manly watching a girly movie with her sometimes. Matter-of-fact she'll probably appreciate the fact that you can make small sacrifices like that for her. Your action movies and comedies will still be around even when the chick flick is over. (Don't be afraid to even enjoy it a little).
       If it's a first date that you are going on, go somewhere where you guys can talk and hold full conversations. The whole point of a first date is to get to know the other the person and see if you want it to go anywhere with them further. Places such as a cinema, concerts, or loud clubs, limits your talk time and by the end of the night you both leave not knowing anything new about that other person's personality.
       At the end of the night, guys, walk her to her door And say your 'goodnights' there. Don't just drop her off in her driveway and leave. Take the few extra seconds to get out of the car and walk with her up to the door. *Remember that small gestures go a long way in most cases*

DONT: Guys, do not try and kiss a girl after one date with them. Most, not all (some are an exception), but most girls do not like to be kissed after only one night out with you. Give it some time and show her that you have respect for her to show some restraint. That way it doesn't get moving too fast and you have less of a chance of freaking the girl out.
      Guys, pay attention when she is speaking. Don't be off in la-la land somewhere. Girls appreciate it when you listen to them and can have something appropriate and intelligible to respond with when she is finished talking.
      Girls, do not take up all of the talk time. Guys have voices too and sometimes like to tell their stories or share their input, so let them. The same with girls, listen to what the guy has to say.
      Guys and girls both, do NOT bring up any past relationships or ex's without prompting, especially, from the other person. No one likes to be compared to someone in your significant other's past. They like to be thought of as an individual and like they are the only person that you have met like them. So just be safe and stay well away from those topics of conversation.

Well, as the list could go on I will stop with those. These are some of the main points of dating. The what to do and what to not do when out and about with your significant other. And though I am definitely no expert on this topic, hopefully you find this little guide helpful in some way.
But, until next time. Happy dating! Byee!!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Ender's Game

Hello Movie Watchers,
Last night, or this morning if you will, I went to go see the midnight premiere of the movie Ender's Game. Now, if you have not read the book yet, go read it. Now. It's an absolutely amazing book, very well-written novel with an interesting story plot. They made a movie out of it for those of you that don't know and it was really well done. They had very good actors/ actresses in it that played their parts to the fullest and the special effects were sublime. However, the story-line was very sped up. They crammed the entire novel into two hours when, in my opinion, it could have been easily made into a two-part movie. It caused them to leave out some fairly crucial parts of the book. For an example Ender's brother and sister did not play as big of role in the movie as they did in the book. Especially Ender's sister Valentine. In the book she was a huge part in Ender's well-being. And Valentine and Peter (Ender's older brother) had their part of the book about conspiracy against the government on Earth was completely cut out. Something very important to the understanding of the story-line that was cut out, was in battleschool they didn't fully explain why the "real battle" wasn't with the Buggers, (or Formics as they are called in the movie), but with the teachers. It was easy to understand well enough though, if you went into it without having read the book first. But some parts (because of the sped up story-line), would be a little on the hazy side without the background information that the book gives to you. Overall I am very happy with how the movie turned out, because the book is one of my favorites. I have read it several times. I just wish that they would have separated the movie into two parts so that they could have added in some of the more vital parts of the book. Honestly though, go read the book because it was incredibly fantastic and see the movie! Because it really was a good watch.
And until next time little ones! Byee!!